Ok! Use this as a poll!

Babeyfangs October 16, 2020 12:40 am

Everyone who understands the story put a thumbs up and everyone who doesn’t understand put a thumbs down! Anyone who thinks they wanna explain a little use the reply section!


Anyways so what is happening in the story rn is actually a lot happening at once, it’s only been 38 chapters and it’s moving pretty fast paced which is why I feel a few of y’all are lost. So I’ll explain the timeline a bit.

Do is a “normal” “Straight” police officer when suddenly Cain plows his pp into him and makes him Cains bridge or “door” to both the underworld and the human world. Cain comes to the human world to find a doctor who can remove this angel shard that Satan wounded him with so he can fight Satan at full strength like he used to and possibly overthrow Satan. Do becomes pretty compliant after a few good dickin downs and becomes pretty attached to Cain. Cain at this point still however sees him as a door.

Cains “right hand man” is a bastard betrayer that’s working with Satan, the rivaling faction, as a double agent and is trying to prevent Cain from getting the shard removed because when he did something bad, waiting for his punishment, and said “harder daddy UwU”, Cain said “No ” and patted him on the head. So that bratty bottom bitch thought he was too weak to be leader of the underworld. This ashy shit flake(I’ll just call him that cause I forgot his name) also goes along to find his own door so he can slip into and out of the underworld unnoticed by Cain.

This unfortunate person happens to be Do’s Coworker(I’m gonna call him Hon cause I forgot his name.). Hon is in love with Do as we all can see and Ashy shit flake uses that to force compliance from Hon which mentally traumatizes him. Hon however seems obsessive over Do because he’s very easily swayed and influenced by Do’s naked image(he also was happy his wife died but ya know um we’ll ignore that cause he still acted like a decent human being despite that). The built up trauma causes Hon to feel suicidal and he tries to take the life of Do because of it. And then he’s kidnapped.

Ashy shit flake ends up hiring a hit man to kill the doctor after receiving Cains compass(Which wtf Cain are you brain dead or something??? WHY DIDNT YOU USE THE COMPASS????). Anyways they find the doctor pretty quickly after that and it’s not actually the doctor but some Clone demon made to look like him. This ultimately reveals Ashy shit flakes true intentions in the end because the Doctor and his Cowardly friend decide that they can no longer be a neutral ground and they also want to understand why Cain sent a guy to kill him. He is revealed by the Doctor when he asks where the compass is now and well since Cain be a softy he couldn’t kill him and ended up getting wounded instead. So now they are attempting to remove the angel shard with Dos soul(which I forgot to mention is literally super powerful? And what was that creature that showed when Do’s soul was being overpowered by Cain???). They end up having astral sex and I think that’s just to keep them occupied while Do and the doctor try to remove the shard.

During this removal, Cain obviously feels his original feelings for Do aren’t valid anymore, he’s not just a door or a play thing anymore. He doesn’t want to use Do as a mere object anymore because if you remember from the first few chapters “Doors” often died from demons using them. Do just happens to be strong enough.... for now. When Cain sees Do fading away, he gets scared of loosing him and stops forcing his energy on him(I believe that also means forcing him to be his door).

Sorry if I skipped over some parts, I said all the stuff that was on top of my head, parts I felt were crucial for understanding. Please add if you feel there are parts I missed!

    tacocatpuff October 16, 2020 12:51 am

    As someone who don't know Korean but still spoiled myself I shall only say one thing

    I F***ing Hate SID And he needs to die(⌒▽⌒)

    Locket October 16, 2020 5:03 am

    Thank you!