
Koorapika October 15, 2020 8:29 pm

I'm just going to say it, some of you will agree and some of you won't, but this is fucking rape. This man was under the influence, and barely conscious. It isn't sexy, it isn't cute, its fucking rape and that's disgusting- almost as disgusting as the fact that some of you support this! I don't care if its fiction, rape is rape.

    Kiko October 15, 2020 8:16 pm

    Who tf would downvote this! Some of y’all are romanticizing rape as if it’s nothing, don’t mind these low lives what you said was try and that’s rape

    big.band$ October 15, 2020 8:35 pm

    thank you !

    Lilbyun October 15, 2020 9:07 pm

    Is not rape because he didn't put it in but rather molestation or sexual assault, it is still disgusting tho. And the people thinking that it's okay should get help. Like, seriously.

    ahaha October 15, 2020 9:59 pm