No one will die, calm down people. If so then we won't have a new Arc in spring. Still, we...

Mimisouris October 15, 2020 9:49 am

No one will die, calm down people. If so then we won't have a new Arc in spring. Still, we should expect some plot twist maybe. Although I am secretly hoping the chapter will end up nicely and quite lovey dovey just like the one after the Hong Kong kidnapping. They both reunited in that boat, had a magnificent sex session and they finally hold hands while taking that private jet to get back to Japan! Yeah, let me keep dreaming ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Northwest October 17, 2020 4:59 am

    I'm hoping for the best case senario where they only fall one floor down to the next landing. A rough landing but not life threatening. Feilong, Kirishima and Suoh show up and rescue their butts.

    Worst case senario, Godzilla shows up and stomps them all into the dirt except for Akihito who Godzilla carries off King Kong style.

    Lily October 22, 2020 9:36 pm
    I'm hoping for the best case senario where they only fall one floor down to the next landing. A rough landing but not life threatening. Feilong, Kirishima and Suoh show up and rescue their butts. Worst case sen... Northwest

    You read my mind I was also thinking and shouting at the screen like *Kirishima and Suoh!!! Where the fuck are you? Bring your Sorry butts there this instance* ....btw your worst case scenario made me roll on the floor like a mad person. You are so funny. And you had me at *Feilong, Kirishima and Suoh show up and rescue their butts.

    Northwest October 23, 2020 9:43 pm
    You read my mind I was also thinking and shouting at the screen like *Kirishima and Suoh!!! Where the fuck are you? Bring your Sorry butts there this instance* ....btw your worst case scenario made me roll on t... Lily

    I'm always happy to help people get their daily endorphines. (●'◡'●)ノ

    Lily October 29, 2020 7:32 am
    I'm always happy to help people get their daily endorphines. (●'◡'●)ノ Northwest
