There's two manga that really affect my way of viewing life and both are really similar
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/confidential_confessions/ : it's different stories about real life issues girls go trough (suicide, rape, drug abuse, etc) and it's really effective, specially the sexual harrassment story it really openned my mind.
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/tokyo_babylon/ : Under a love/hate, hunter/pray boys love story, it's a criticism of todays modern society and talk about a lot of subject (adultery, suicide, organ donation, rape, old people abuse, child abuse, revenge, murder, etc) I also really like Hokuto, she's an idol, literally, she have the same way of thinking and I specially liked the story when she save this illegal girl from arrestation.
Both of these manga have probably set my mind into my study program: social work!

well, there is a manga that influenced my way of thinking:
it`s a fantasy shoujo fantasy a girl who fell into another world. i liked her big heart, how she finds her way in this foreign world, her attitude to make the best she possibly can of everything and how she convinced the male mc that our decisions define who we are and not our skills. and i was impressed by a believe she found at the end.
reading this manga made me thankful for what i have and value even small things that seemed meaningless before. it made my negative way of thinking more positive^^

I like your question. I wish I was around for the first one. The manga that has impacted me the most is Beck, a story about an average guy, his encounter with a rough-and-tumble guitarist, and his subsequent discovery of the world of Rock n' Roll. He learns guitar and joins the guitarist's band, trying to climb the upward slope to success. I used to listen to pop songs, not because I liked them, but because I wanted to be one of the cool kids. This was in middle school. I used to act really condescending around my Dad because he would listen to Jazz and old Rock n' Roll, and I'd know the latest trends. But as a little kid my Dad's songs were my favorite songs. I realized I felt pretty empty whenever I listened to pop. I'm a singer, so my singing took a major turn as well. I guess among the many lessons I learned "Don't be a trend, follow your heart" is what shaped me the most, and now I live by it.

There are many mangas that I have found very impacting, but this wins by far for me :
Its the story of two people trapped in despair that, brought together by circumstance, come to long for the "tomorrow" they had given up on.
It is deeply touching, and I have never cried as much with a manga before. But as I dried my tears and looked around, I realized how lucky I was, how much I had, how thankful I should be for the smallest things. I had never thought about life the way it was presented in the story. Even now, when I am sad or depressed or whatever, sometimes I'll think back to this story. Its weird how a tragedy can cheer me up :P

For me it's Vassalord.
Putting aside how awesome and hot a shounen-ai with a story like that is, I needed time to understand Rayflo's monologue at the end when he said he won't mind if the demon takes away his family, friends or beloved, because from that day forth he won't have regrets. I learnt you have to treasure what and who you love while they're still here, because you never know...And when a bad day comes, you'll be happy to know you loved them throughly, so you won't have regrets, though you'll miss them.
If you haven't yet, you should read that manga! It's too good!!

Ikr thank god for manga too. I have to mention Princess Jellyfish (Kuragehime) which has tremendously changed my outlook on life. I haven't finished it yet, but it's definitely a must-read.
So pleased with all the responses on my first discussion that I just have to throw out a new one. So...in an effort to procrastinate on studying for my Thursday morning orgo exam, here's question 2:
What is one manga that you think positively shaped you- whether it's your thoughts/actions towards a particular topic or just your view on life in general?
For me it would be peach girl; I read it years and years ago (back when I was a budding preteen lol) and I thought it helped me keep an eye out for fake friends who use you to elevate themselves, one of whom was very close to me at the time. So the manga opened my eyes to reality and convinced me to not waste my time on people who only make me feel bad- a lesson that I carry with me always. How about you guys?