just remembered when i saw the notification for this followed question, but it should be:
just remembered when i saw the notification for this followed question, but it should be:
Ok so I'm looking for this manga it's about this girl who gets kidnapped by a man that's been stalking her for a couple of years and it turns out that her teacher helped the man kidnap her because the teacher likes the man anyway the girl gets put in a room and the teacher and the guy that kidnapped her are fucking in the other room and she can see them through a hole in the wall anyway she gets out and goes back home to her dad but her and her don't have a good relationship so he lied and said she ran away and after that she realized that no one cared that she was gone so she went back to the abandoned place where she was kidnapped and stayed there CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL WHERE TO FIND IT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR IT FOR ABOUT A MOUTH