This was interesting then they tried to give it a "happy ending" wtf.

TuxedoCat October 14, 2020 8:52 pm

This was interesting then they tried to give it a "happy ending" wtf.

    Yuki ❀ October 22, 2020 5:36 pm

    I can't think of any other way to end the story tbh. The MC already adapted to his stalker. He even grew some balls to talk back at his co workers. Ig in some wicked way, he changed a bit better.

    TuxedoCat October 22, 2020 6:17 pm
    I can't think of any other way to end the story tbh. The MC already adapted to his stalker. He even grew some balls to talk back at his co workers. Ig in some wicked way, he changed a bit better. Yuki ❀

    It's just annoying for a semi accurate depiction of stalking and trauma to do a turn and depict the victim as 'as bad as the abuser' and have them end up together because ohh they're both so fucked up- I buy a lot of the MC's growth/character development, but I hate the framing that it makes him a bad person to fight back, and it feels like they suddenly try to make him 'fucked up' so the two can end up together. It's not what I was expecting from this series and it feels disrespectful to the MC.