being ace means im not attracted to anyone. i dont feel sexual attraction to anyone. tf u mean its not about who im attracted to. also back to the topic at hand we are talking about a fkn manga we arent talking about real people doing this. manga isnt real. it doesnt matter how much u want it to be real. it fkn isnt. get that through your head. my morals have nothing to do with the content i read but how i fkn act in real life. how tf do u not understand that this isnt the reason rape is happening. rape isnt being justified by this content at all. theres no place in the manga that states that rape should be condoned and it doesnt encourage people to go out and rape either. the fact that you arent respectful enough to even read my responses shows how butthurt and ignorant u wanna be. just because you know fujioshis that use this content to justify rape and glorify mlm relationships doesnt mean all people who read this shit do it. how fkn dumb do you have to be to not understand that thinking and reading is not the same as action. and rape mangas literally dont get live action adaptions. this stuff isnt supposed to be romanticized. people who read this content are expected to be educated and understand that. if they cant understand that, they shouldnt be reading that content.
ur literally sitting here and twisting peoples words to make everyone seem like a problem is literally toxic. no one is condoning rape. since you didnt even fkn read half of our responses i wouldnt even expect you to know. ur sitting here fkn gaslighting someone who didnt even do anything wrong. reading and watching porn isnt a fkn sin. anyone who consumes this content isnt bothering anyone. the problem only occurs when these aspects are forced onto real people and when real people are degraded into objects, which is more than just reading and consuming content. blaming everyone doesnt fkn solve shit. get off ur fkn pedestal and stop generalizing everyone. you arent better than anyone just because u are LGBTQ. idc if u dont like it because i literally have not done anything wrong. i havent projected any misconceptions or stereotypes on real people. the fact that you have the audacity to pretend like ur some social justice warrior is fkn ridiculous. its not your business what other people read and enjoy as long as they are not causing an issue and objectifying real people. im done responding to you because u obviously dont want to respectfully discuss with anyone so do whatever u wanna fkn do.
im not on any kind of pedestal calm it down with the homophobia lmaoo if you want to use being ace as an excuse to speak over lgbtq folk go ahead and see how far it will get you but i am not better than anyone in the slightest, i just don’t go out of my way to justify something i know is morally wrong even if it realistic or not. this convo isnt going anywhere cause yall will do anything but see the bigger picture so enjoy living w the morals you have and those homophobic undertones ig! good luck!!
Okay there's no changing anyone minds today. so why don't you guys just call it a day. Everyone have different opinions on the topic and everyone got good reasoning. The only thing that sounds like complete bull shit is saying all Fujoshi are going around fetishizing gay people. Cause people fetishizing striaght people too. Arguing about it isn't gonna do anything.
bruh theres straight hentai with this stuff too. unless you actually actively cause an issue how is it wrong bruh. people consume all kinds of content but unless action is taken i dont see the issue. im not using anything as an excuse to speak over her but the fact that you straight up dissed ppl just bc u thought they were straight. and my logic makes sense. what you read doesnt correlate to how to act in real life.
while you get all your excuses off your chest can you please at the very least stop calling me “bruh”. like i said before i am nonbinary. gendered terms make me uncomfortable. you can say whatever you are trying to say without misgendering. not sure if you care or not but respect it. also pretty sure you already know i find everything you are saying seriously damaging and do not care what else you have to say to justify yourself. argue with the wall at this point
i didnt mean to misgender you idk what pronouns u use i tried to avoid anything labeled. id appreciate if we didnt continue this as well it doesnt seem like we are going to agree at any point. just because u dont understand my argument doesnt make it ok to call me homophobic or whatever. u literally assumed that another people was cishet because of their argument and used it as a way to insult them. thats what i was referring to. also i dont love being labeled as a fujioshi either so i hope you dont generalize people like that it really isnt fair since you dont know what i read and frankly its not your business.
well thats not an apology at all but if i said i was uncomfortable with gendered terms you could have used they/them. and if you dont mind telling me are you not cishet then? i am willing to own up to my mistake of assuming and apologize if you are not but the only thing you said was “im ace” which is like the most popular excuse used by cishets trying to speak over lgbt folk. and only fujoshis would defend this kind of content so idk what you expected from that. also you are very right abt it not being my business! yet what i said wasnt your business either. my comments were not directed towards you in the slightest and were only responding to OP’s comment about this being gross. yet i must have struck a nerve for you to keep going back and forth with me over what wasnt your business in the first place.
Dude, we get it! Your here trying to argue even further! Milly already said she's wrong! And your literally going off the topic here. We have different opinions that we want to believe so we should just stop and mind our business about this! Cuz its literally not your business to butt in to our opinions while we defend our opinion to you(im NOT inferring to rape now) so stop, its getting annoying.
People, I know this is fiction, but please don't ever romanticise rape. Real people go through rape on a relationship even if they are or were in love, and it is not a pleasant experience for the victims. All these people commenting you're GLAD they ended up together, is it because they're gay or something? Wow, rape shit in yaoi got a toxic fandom behind it, and I say it being a extreme fujoshi having read a lot of shit.