ey i know its rape and ol but still the authors made that for fun("fictional story") and to please the audience, commenting that its shit is very painful cuz they worked hard on that. and i know u just want to say facts but still SOME people doesnt want it to be base on real life circumstances. all of the comments at top are saying that this is shit and all but they should at least fucking give feedback about good things. They shouldnt even read the manga in the first place if they will just comment bunch of hateful stuff.

It's because of stories like that that people don't think rape is a big deal...
Do you wanna know what's real rape looks like? Read Liebeling(Or something like that, I don't know how to write the name)... It hurts, there's no prep, it bleeds and it's awful... It gives the victim nightmares and she/him has to stay in hospital for treatment... Also to do exams to see if the guy who raped them is not carrying any decease...
So it's not a "they shouldn't talk bad about" it should be " Finally they're talking about it!"...
Gay couples have more abuse and toxic relationships than hetero couples... Do you realize how awful is that? And then a bunch of horny HETEROSSEXUAL women who have fetishes on men, keeps thinking that rape in yaoi is not a big deal and even create stories like that... This NEED to change...

Yes i know Rape is bad and all but this is a story were talking about. Yeah rape is awful and it gives you nightmares but the author already gave a warning to those people who are going to read the manga at the first page so yeah REALITY Rape IS bad bad, but dont add fictional stories that didnt even happen to real life circumstances(im not saying the author is wrong) People who read this things should already know that authors who make this type of stuff do this things thats why they put a warning to those who are sensitive about that topic. AND Women dont think and influence men to do rape, from my own knowledge they do this just or fun and to please their fans. Just because an author did this doesnt mean they want to influence their fans already, thats quite hurtful to me as a girl. I aint disagreeing with you, its just that i think thats just the way you think.

To be exact, in real life Females are mostly raped and Abused, but since Females are now fetish in "Men", which I'm a female but also don't really fetish men, but loves the romance. But I do think that Rape is disgusting, but didn't y'all notice the warning signs, where it says there would be rape.
Yeah of course people are gonna encourage it, because they don't use there minds. I'm not really into rape but just long as there consent but since I'm seeing people encourage it, it's kinda disturbing.
Tbh there's two sides of Fujoshis, the other is where they encourage the rape and are " Obsessing" Over the "men", because they like it or something but don't use there minds.
The other side is where they love BL and are Fujoshis, but wants to enjoy the relationship, but also loves smut but doesn't like rape, so they skip it or continue it because they either just wants to make sure it's not bad or makes them uncomfy so they Skippy do because it was going to far. Then they go far off to the end and just enjoy the love and romance.
I have seen so many different sides, between the two comments from other people.
But if you says there's no two different sides of Fujoshis then I don't know what to tell ya¯_(ツ)_/¯

Oh yeah, the ones who enjoy rape also enjoys the abuse of the relationship so they think it's cute.
But since I didn't really enjoy it, but loved the amazing art. It was pretty cool (not the rape) , but seeing the relationship between those two is pretty nice until the rape has shown but I'm gonna and bleach my eyes

"I know rape is bad but..." Just this "but" already invalids what you're saying... Rape MUST be seen as something disgusting NO MATTER where... Be it at fiction or reality... It doesn't matter if there's a warning for it or not... Rape should NEVER be romantized...
It's not only in Yaoi that shit like this happens... They always try to pass rape as something that can be forgiving... They try to "beautify" the rape in every way possible... "I did it because I love you" "I raped you because you don't understand my feelings" and so much shit... And in regards of yaoi, is even worse... Especially because 90% of stories are made by hetero women for hetero women... And do you know where's the problem in that?
A lot of fujoshis thinks that gay men are or should be like the stories they read on yaoi... There are even some lunatics who thinks a toxic relationship between guys is okay... And I won't even mention that pedophilia they call "shotacon"...
There are awful things everywhere, just because it's fiction, doesn't mean it's okay... Do you think it would be acceptable if they created a story where a woman is gang raped and in the end she ends up liking it? It's okay because it's fiction and the character ended up agreeing in the end? Why is it so gross when it's with women, but it's not when is with men? Mostly of times, when a man is raped, it's seen as something funny and the victim is even called a "coward" for not liking it... Start thinking more about the prospects of real life and you'll understand why stories like that shouldn't even exist...

ok yeah but thats real life the main point that the person is trying to state that there are plenty of people who understand that drawings/fantasy does not equal real life. yes there are people who romanticize this bs but there are people who understand that in the context of real life, rape is horribly wrong. not everyone is immature enough to not be able to differentiate the two. but theres too much media about this stuff to get rid of it all at this point so its better to make sure people understand that works like these are purely from a fantasy standpoint and they should never EVER be applied to real life.

and again if you arent into this just dont read it at the end of the day u cant completely abolish all the media. instead of just saying that this is trash why dont you try to talk to people who try to enforce these fucked up stereotypes on gay couples. if you actually want to raise awareness about that issue thats fine but hating on people for enjoying something bc they like it as a fantasy is not your place. you arent changing anyones opinions and no ones doing anything wrong by reading and enjoying the material it becomes a problem when people think that this is how real life couples should be acting.

Exactly what I'm saying... But what I'm saying is... The problem is not that there is rape... the problem is HOW the rape is showed to the public...
Want to put rape in it? Well... JUST PUT IT RIGHT!
Even if it's fiction, how could someone draw rape as something hot and sexy? There's even lube, preparation and there's no bleeding...
People mislead the word "rape" because of how the media shows it... Rape is something really complex and disgusting, and worst of all... It's really difficult to be proven without physical evidence...
You do realize that the romantic way they show rape, be in hetero movies or yaois are already leading people to opinions of rape, right? What I mean is, they ALWAYS try to put fault at the victim... "They were asking for it" "It was only rape right? it's not like she has any wounds" "Look at those clothes" "She was alone at night, can't blame the guy for it"...
And believe or not, is even worse for men... "What? A grown up men was raped?" "What's so bad about it!? At least he had sex" "He was raped? How weak a guy can be to be raped?"...
This start on movies and books and then start reflecting on real life... Saying that fiction and reality can't be put together is right, but also wrong, because that's not what happens in real life... A LOT of people reflects on media opinion to have their own... Specially if the fiction brings real life aspects to the story...
Rape happens every minute all around the world, be with women or men... And showing rape as something that doesn't seems to hurt too much or that is easy to forget it... Specting that people understands that in real life is different, that's naivety...

They do that because there are people who buy it... At least people should criticize the authors for drawing rape the wrong way... :V
The only yaoi who seemed to actually draw the right thing is Liebeling... Even people who seems to have fetishe on rape got grossed out by that... And that's how it should be...

i agree with this to some extent because there are plenty of movies and books that try to do this and showcase rape in a certain light but heres the thing: what we are talking about is yaoi and hentai. in almost all cases, its safe to say that the relations portrayed in yaoi are completely off base and in no way accurate to what real relationships are. this media is made for pure entertainment and it is not supposed to reflect real relationships in the first place. i know for a fact a lot of people who arent able to understand this because they have deluded themselves into thinking that yaoi is as realistic as can be, which is isnt true at all. that calls for better education. people need to be educated and do their own research in order to really understand topics like these. yaoi isnt supposed to be some sort of learning tool its literally made for fantasies and thats why its so unrealistic. movies are different because in the first place, they are made to portray topics like this more realistically. you really cant have that expectation for bl bc although theres plot driven pieces, theres also pieces that are just plain porn. it comes down to each individual person being able to understand that rape is in fact absolutely horrible. and i agree that wanting people to understand is naive but changing material like this isnt going to work. and honestly if people are delusional enough to not understand the difference between reality and fantasy then they shouldnt be reading the material in the first place. what im trying to say is that i agree with the original comment that talks about romanticizing rape being hella fucked and how rape does have a toxic fandom behind it. i just dont see the purpose of attacking people who are able to discern this fantasy from what happens in real life. toxic masculinity is very real and there are plenty of people who read this type of content who understand that. and in the context of this specific work, i feel like there are people that know that the ending was bs but you should definitely talk to the people on this work who dont get that. the person who u responded to didnt seem to br confused tho i think they were just trying to explain that they dont condone rape in a real setting at all and they purely read it for fantasy.

again yaoi isnt supposed to be realistic its literally just comics from figments of the authors imagination. there are cases where authors have inclinations like misogyny but thats completely different. in those cases the authors and their works should be abandoned. but some people just like reading messed up stuff whether it be portrayed correctly or not.

dude youre literally slurring my words. I dont want to argue anymore if you just want to repeat all of the things you said, as i said, "RAPE IS bad bad BUT we are talking about FICTIONAL STORY here" WHEN? and HOW? am i invalidating Rape as good in that? i literally put "BUT" because im inferring to the fictional story! if you actually had time and understood the sentence then you wouldnt be repeating yourself. PLUS i already mentioned! THE AUTHORS ARENT INFLUENCING PEOPLE TO RAPE!! and wtf? if fujoshis think that men are like what they read then their definitely the wrong one. And now your repeating it again, "start thinking more about the prospects of real life" BRUH! Did you even I aint DISAGREEING with y read my response?ou about rape! im saying that You shouldnt ALWAYS compare fictional stories to real life circumstances. RAPE IS BAD BUT THIS IS A FICTIONAL STORY BY AN AUTHOR, WHO IS A PERSON. youre running away from the story here.
People, I know this is fiction, but please don't ever romanticise rape. Real people go through rape on a relationship even if they are or were in love, and it is not a pleasant experience for the victims. All these people commenting you're GLAD they ended up together, is it because they're gay or something? Wow, rape shit in yaoi got a toxic fandom behind it, and I say it being a extreme fujoshi having read a lot of shit.