Exactly! Even now I don't really like cale and I'm glad he's not a center part of the story. And I won't like the brothers either even if she becomes cool with them. I hope this turns into one where she leaves the house to go do her own thing. And make her own money cuz fuck this whole house in general!

Tbh I dropped The Duchess’ 50 Tea Recipes because of him. I know that the plot is different from the beginning by looking at spoilers, with the introduction of the Crown Prince, but I don’t know which chapter I should start off with that DOESNT have Cale in it. The fact that Cale had the authority to stop the original Chloe’s mistreatment yet continued to look down on her in the background... man, I’m glad someone reincarnated into her body before the situation gets worse.
Unfortunately, I think the story is going towards the direction where her brothers will be forgiven and there’s going to be some fluff moments. I saw a spoiler comment that said the family didn’t know Senianna was being abused, but everything would’ve been so much better if they checked on their servants or stepmother earlier.

She wasn’t treated like this in the beginning..... they did accept her in the family I mean the grandfather gave her the responsibility of being a chef which will ensure her managing the household which hold the most power....... but she kept making mistakes, and because she was bullied by the stepmom with out anyone knowing she started to act violent and throwing tantrum ands due to the scheme of the stepmom she had the responsibility of being a chef taken away because she wasn’t doing it well and the job is important... they even built her her own private kitchen...
In doing do she betrayed their trust but the big incident that got her kicked out of the main house was she was violent with one of the brothers I think he was trying to get to know her on his bday and she threw a teacup at his head and it shattered giving him a good side cut
Because she was threw violent tantrums they moved her out of the main house I guess to protect the other grandkids (brothers) and she was even more bullied after that because the maids joined in since it seems she fell out of favor.
The grandfather and brothers had no clue she was being abused
When they did they were super angry and got revenge for her and protected her

I know “.....” I already saw your reply in someone else’s comment “.....” which was what I was referencing “.....”
No offense, but it sounds like you’re blaming the original Senianna with words like “betrayed their trust,” and even though I agree that her family weren’t active abusers, they had the authority to help her like Cale. In Chapter 1, it was mentioned that people provoked demonstrations and blamed her for the family’s misfortunes. The family could’ve just strengthen their security and denounced them because even if they weren’t considering Senianna into this, it would be considered slander and inconvenience the brothers. She wasn’t just mistreated in her own place, she had a bad reputation in noble society because she was a slave’s daughter.
But to be fair, anyone would not like someone for throwing something at them and causing a scar. I just couldn’t understand how the brothers couldn’t put two and two together since they shown how intelligent they were before.

When I said she betrayed their trust I was talking in the fam perspective because that how they viewed it and the reason why they acted like that I’m not blaming her. None of it was her fault at all I’m just stating in the other POV they didn’t know about the abuse all they saw was her throwing tantrums being violent and betraying their trust which is why they acted that way

Yes they had the power to stop it but so did she.... she just didn’t know she did the same they didn’t know she was abused... because of the stepmom abuse she thought she didn’t have any power in the house but if she went to her grandfather like she did with the salmon he would have protected her which in turn shows to the maids that she didn’t fall out of favor and she still an important granddaughter of the family.....
And the brother had the power if they knew she was abused they would stop it which was want happened when they find out she was bullied
In this case it was a communication problem between them.

(This is a reply to both of your replies)
Ohhh I see, I’m sorry for not understanding that. (óvò) In their perspective, they believe that they’re actually helping her and that she’s the one who’s ungrateful, not knowing the true cause of her behavior. I agree that this is a commutation problem.
The brothers’ statuses are significantly better than her though. Sure, they both hail from House Franceff, but the brothers had mothers that either came from an influential family or were part of royalty. Senianna, however, was the daughter of a slave and people in medieval times look down on them, so in a way she’s treated like an illegitimate child that “doesn’t deserve” to be part of the family. Even if you throw the stepmother out of the picture, there’s a likely chance that people outside of the household loathe her, regardless if they knew her personally or not.
Does anyone find the ending of Chapter 11 really sus? I get that there’s going to be more cute scenes between Senianna and her brothers, but I feel so bad for both the original and current her.
“She used to be a gloomy, detestable girl. Sulking about with that pale, lifeless face like a living corpse.”
Wowwwww, I wonder why. It’s not like she was treated horribly even as a little girl because of her birthright :/ This honestly remind of Cale (the butler) treated the original Chloe from The Duchess’ 50 Tea Recipes.