Ain't she the oldest??

Piney!! October 14, 2020 8:09 am

Um, I'm just thinking about it but wouldn't our main character possibly be the oldest child?
They don't even known her age, she is underfed and they forgot about her existent.
So, if her mother was pregnant first before the queen or was the queen then our girl would be the oldest child.
What are all your thoughts on this?
Don't you think it's possible that she is the oldest sibling and the first princess?

    Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl October 15, 2020 5:37 am

    I guess it is but...i want her to br the youngest

    Piney!! October 15, 2020 12:05 pm
    I guess it is but...i want her to br the youngest Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl

    It makes sense doesn't it. But it would be cute for her to be the youngest.

    Momo October 15, 2020 5:53 pm

    She was forgotten by the people, but there is a record of her birth remember? The emperor checked with the records keeper (who also forgot her). They would know how old she was.

    Piney!! October 15, 2020 9:50 pm
    She was forgotten by the people, but there is a record of her birth remember? The emperor checked with the records keeper (who also forgot her). They would know how old she was. Momo

    That's true, so they should know her age. Did the emperor ever refer to her as the youngest or told the other siblings that she is the youngest?
    Would like it if they soon tell us her age.