YES I was so confused and kinda mad like y’all really saying how sus Cain is yet completely ignoring the fact on what the seme is doing like if anything the seme is more sus than Cain. I’ve also read SOO MANY yaois too many to count (I mostly read them logged out, then log in when I want to comment) but not all of them have yaoi and if all the ones you’re seeing have rape then you’re clearly not looking in the right places I’ve seen so many healthy and consensual yaoi relationships it always makes me laugh when people say that “it’s yaoi you shouldn’t expect it to not have rape” and stuff like that it honestly gets me mad too

I’ve also read lots of yaoi but I never expect it to have rape and I also hate how there people who just excuse Yahwi because he’s hot ,because it’s yaoi and how they literally ignore that Yahwi raped Jooin while he was sleeping and while he was thrusting into him he was saying that he wants to throw up and that’s when you should obviously take it out but nooo Yahwi kept thrusting while Jooin is unconscious how the fuck do people find this bastard attractive
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)

But we’re not talking about a game though we’re talking about a story and that also means we can make our own opinions on it yes I know you make opinions on a game but would they be the same as a opinion on a story and I agree with CAINPLSRAILMEWITHURMONSTERCOCK@ Cuz these things actually do need to change in yaoi (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

That is true a you never mentioned a game in the first place but this person here is comparing a fictional story with a character that doesn’t ask consent with a game where the main point of it is to kill other people just like in other games like fortnite and I’m quite aware this is just a fictional story and that these characters aren’t real but rape is to common in BL and should stop being common and that we should not normalize rape ,sexual assault and victim blaming etc (=・ω・=) also can’t we all just agree that rape is bad and shouldn’t be normalized in any type of genre or media please ( ̄∇ ̄")

don’t be an idiot. i want you to explain why and how rape in yaoi might NOT set an example as in if a rapist wants to rape a male and they’ve seen it in a yaoi and see people aren’t taking it seriously because it’s a yaoi which has gay sex in it, they might think that it’s okay to do that shit. now, it’s not likely. but it COULD set an example. obviously, call of duty is a game. known worldwide and tons of people play it, that could set an example too, but it’s unlikely, just as the rapists example is unlikely. they are both crimes but what does that have to do with you pushing aside rape because it’s yaoi?
Okay sooo... someone had to say it. Some of you are completely disgusting. You guys disregard the fact that yawhi raped jooin because his character development hasn’t started yet and because it’s yaoi. If this wasn’t a yaoi, but between a man and a woman, would you have acted differently? Guys this isn’t okay. Normalizing shit like this might set examples for other rapists who think it’s okay to fuck someone while sleeping. It’s not likely, but it could happen. I wonder if you lot defending yawhi were sleeping(you’re both male), and a man fucked you in your sleep. That’s rape. Where’s your consent? Oh wait there is none according to you all. But that’s okay. Why? Because you’re rapist needs character development :D! ABSOLUTELY NOT. That is unacceptable. That is rape. Do not push it aside because yawhi is attractive and this story hasn’t finished yet. Now regarding the “some people haven’t read yaoi”. I’ve read TONS of yaoi. Not all of them have rape, and the fact that you think it’s okay to excuse the rape BECAUSE it’s yaoi is really disgusting. If it werent yaoi and it was a heterosexual relationship, would you be excusing it? I really wonder. Please stop. If you were in jooins position and got raped while sleeping would you disregard it because you’re both male? You wouldn’t. Or at least i hope you wouldn’t. Please, stop excusing this stuff. I’d also like for you lot to explain yourselves. Why do you think this is okay???