Am I the only one who's enjoying this manga? CHILLLLLL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a YAOI M...

Laladina October 14, 2020 2:05 am

Am I the only one who's enjoying this manga?
CHILLLLLL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a YAOI MANGA is what we came to read. ITS YAOI!!! it's a f**king Yaoi manga.

Everytime I scrolled down to read the comments my head always hurt bruuh. It's all about rape.... I mean have y'all never read other yaoi manga before?? Some other yaoi manga were worse than this and there wasn't any comments about rape

    Throughout the whole comment section I never mention rape is okay but go off Hen Tie

    “Realize that yaoi is always something involved with rape this is what I mean yes it normalized and it wrong if u don’t like anything with rape just don’t read yaoi at all it like don’t read books that have stuff that can’t trigger u read something else yaoi comes in different type of stuff soft, hard, and other content ?? Like idk how to explain it because it sounds like I’m just supporting rape when I’m not it’s just creators publish these kind of stuff and till this day they’re continuing doing business this shows how readers r able to handle these kind of content and good for u for putting people in there place that rape is not something to be ignore but will it stop the whole manhwa? No because look how many people r okay with this? If it bothers u that this series is still continuing then don’t read that why there’s many content to read for what u like again I’m not saying rape is okay it just don’t call out readers and believe they support rape which majority of them don’t?”
    That was one of your responses. You’re basically saying that rape is okay in yaoi because many people are used to the rape in yaois. You’re saying that authors make rape scenes in yaois and people complain but that’s not going to stop them from creating content. And i agree with that, but what i don’t agree with is you telling people to stop reading something because others are okay with the rape in yaois. When you word it like this, it only sounds like you’re saying that rape is wrong in yaoi, but it’s okay because it’s yaoi and other people can handle it. So it looks as if you did say that.

    Hen Tie October 17, 2020 3:14 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    These type of authors r so popular and have huge fanbase but in the end this shows how yaoi goes and when I mention “just don’t read “ because literally all a lot of yaois have rape scenes and if u read yaoi for “4 years” by now u should know what coming till this day they still continue to do art work and getting away from it i do find it uncomfortable, wrong, and not normal because it’s unexpected for readers to see those type of scenes without warning I understand that but what I’m Trying to say is, if they’re yaoi that U KNOW it involved with rape don’t read it “rape is still involved” okay and why did they even published the manga/manhwa in the first place? For readers who like those stuff and yes it VERY wrong I don’t get myself involved with those type of stuff but Rape never to ignore and it an issue if u hate how yaoi and the yaoi community acts it alright to be against it I only said this to read something else because if you’re a yaoi reader yourself u can read different types of yaoi I don’t like yaoi readers who support rape and r alright with it because rape is always wrong

    Hen Tie October 17, 2020 3:15 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    Sorry I meant to sent that to someone else

    Hen Tie October 17, 2020 3:16 am
    “Realize that yaoi is always something involved with rape this is what I mean yes it normalized and it wrong if u don’t like anything with rape just don’t read yaoi at all it like don’t read books that ... CAINPLSRAILMEWITHURMONSTERCOCK

    These type of authors r so popular and have huge fanbase but in the end this shows how yaoi goes and when I mention “just don’t read “ because literally all a lot of yaois have rape scenes and if u read yaoi for “4 years” by now u should know what coming till this day they still continue to do art work and getting away from it i do find it uncomfortable, wrong, and not normal because it’s unexpected for readers to see those type of scenes without warning I understand that but what I’m Trying to say is, if they’re yaoi that U KNOW it involved with rape don’t read it “rape is still involved” okay and why did they even published the manga/manhwa in the first place? For readers who like those stuff and yes it VERY wrong I don’t get myself involved with those type of stuff but Rape never to ignore and it an issue if u hate how yaoi and the yaoi community acts it alright to be against it I only said this to read something else because if you’re a yaoi reader yourself u can read different types of yaoi I don’t like yaoi readers who support rape and r alright with it because rape is always wrong

    These type of authors r so popular and have huge fanbase but in the end this shows how yaoi goes and when I mention “just don’t read “ because literally all a lot of yaois have rape scenes and if u read y... Hen Tie

    again with the “all yaoi has rape scenes” did you not look at the links i sent you? i’m not an author of the story so how in the world would i know if a rape scene is included in a new yaoi that might have come out? i knew it was yaoi because i would’ve clicked on it, but how would i know that it would be a yaoi that involved rape? “if they’re yaoi that U KNOW it involved with rape don’t read it” that doesn’t make any sense, i wouldn’t have known it had rape. you say that people say that rape is still involved and that the author makes rape because there are people who like that. you are incredibly wrong. this author made yawhi have sex with the sleeping jooin so there relationship could build up more so potential to become a couple. did i KNOW he was gonna fuck jooin while he was sleeping? NO. I didn’t. And for the i know what i’m getting into, you keep saying “yaoi is rape culture” “all yaoi has rape” but it doesn’t. i’ve read plenty of yaois that DONT have rape. I knew what i was getting into plot wise as in two tops and one bottom, but did i KNOW he was going to be raped while sleeping? i didn’t. so the whole “i knew what i was getting into” doesn’t prove anything. how is this how yaoi works? did you not look at the links i sent you? those yaois do not have rape, you continuously say all yaois have rape and rape in yaoi is just how yaoi is, but it’s not. NOT ONCE have i said i hated the yaoi community. in fact i’m not even in it, the whole “yaoi community” is what people who aren’t in it call fujoshi/fudanshis. they fetishize gay men and sex. not once have i said i was against them, and you can’t speak for everyone in it, so telling me that everyone in the yaoi community acts as if all yaoi has rape is wrong. you keep telling me what to do, what to read, what not to read, what i know etc. but that’s still brushing away the fact that you think all yaois have rape and that it’s just normal because it’s yaoi. and before you say “all yaois have rape” PLEASE, look at the links i’ve replied to you with TWICE.

    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    so because they’re used to it, something shouldn’t be said about it? i’m not denying shit. you shouldn’t be “used” to seeing rape in yaoi and just ignore it.

    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    why do people defending keep saying i shouldn’t read yaoi like this as if I KNEW YAWHI WAS GOING TO FUCK JOOIN WHILE SLEEPING? stop saying that, that’s your only reasoning for why i shouldn’t say something about the rape. it’s always “don’t read this” “you’re too soft” “rape is always in yaoi” “get over it” “it’s common in yaoi” if i start a yaoi, do i know EXACTLY what’s going to happen? i don’t. i read this yaoi because i thought it was going to involve a threesome. not rape. so saying “don’t read this kind of yaoi” as if i knew there would be rape in it is pointless.

    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    as they should. it needs to be talked about.

    Hen Tie October 17, 2020 6:54 am
    again with the “all yaoi has rape scenes” did you not look at the links i sent you? i’m not an author of the story so how in the world would i know if a rape scene is included in a new yaoi that might hav... CAINPLSRAILMEWITHURMONSTERCOCK

    U only send me a few links And what this gotta prove with yaoi manhwa/manga? ykw I come to realize you’re only talking about your experiences. “ i’ve read plenty of yaois that DONT have rape.” Okay that YOU I don’t know how u r able to come across ones that didn’t have rape but okay and yaoi is rape culture idk if u really pay attention to what I’m saying I sent u links from lgbt community Who r against yaoi because it’s involved with rape culture I can send u more links if u want and if u dont believe yaoi isn’t rape culture i suggest u to ask the lgbt community when it comes to yaoi <<< definition of yaoi “ Yaoi is used to describe titles that contain sex scenes and other sexually explicit themes” it made up anything sexual involved in it EVEN more than just that “did you not look at the links i sent you? those yaois do not have rape, you continuously say all yaois have rape and rape in yaoi is just how yaoi is, but it’s not” Key words THOSE YAOIS and it’s YOU who read them and as if you’re only speaking this for everyone I’m sorry but PLEASE go deep when it comes to yaoi manhwa/ manga because no way in hell U know what yaoi is I read yaoi since 2016/2017 and how did u not come across anything that involved with rape like painter of the night, warehouse, and so on I’m willing to prove there is yaoi that u didn’t know they exist and I’ll send u links but Like reading your comment u r SOO sure you’re positively right ONLY your point of views and it’s REALLY weird how u read yaoi for FOUR years and not realize what yaoi really is yaoi is rape culture u BELIEVE it false I wonder how the lgbt community feels when it comes to yaoi. Again I come to noticed how you’re only talking about your experience “if they’re yaoi that U KNOW it involved with rape don’t read it” I mean if it label and already told what it’s involved before reading then Don’t read it “ i’ve read plenty of yaois that DONT have rape. I knew what i was getting into plot wise as in two tops and one bottom, but did i KNOW he was going to be raped while sleeping? i didn’t. so the whole “i knew what i was getting into” doesn’t prove anything. “ if u knew what u was getting into meaning u HAPPENED to witness rape scene unexpected u already know what u got yourself into, witnessing rape and sorry u didn’t expect that to happened it up to u decided whether u should keep reading or not

    U only send me a few links And what this gotta prove with yaoi manhwa/manga? ykw I come to realize you’re only talking about your experiences. “ i’ve read plenty of yaois that DONT have rape.” Okay tha... Hen Tie

    i’ve read those popular yaois like potn, and warehouse. i don’t like them very much. i never said i didn’t come across anything with rape in it, i said it didn’t EXPECT it to have rape in it. also it’s not labeled, in yaois like potn is rape labeled? in this yaoi is the rape labeled? also, of course i’m speaking about my own experiences, how could i speak for everyone? that’s stupid. i am one person. do you expect me to speak for what thousands of people that i don’t know? i don’t even know what they think about this might be. so you noticing i only speak about my experiences is correct because i cannot speak for everyone. i will only speak about MY points or views because once again, i CANNOT SPEAK FOR EVERYONE. i’ve noticed that whenever you reply to me, you only repeat the same shit i said and along with that add in new shit. i’ve gone deep with this whole conversation actually, regardless of how much yaoi i’ve read you’re in no place to tell me whether or not how long i’ve been reading yaoi. because you do not know me. i am in the lgbtq+ and i am okay with yaoi. same with yuri. but what i’m not okay with is how people like you say that all yaoi must have rape or yaoi is just rape culture and people who just straight up disregard a rape scene in a yaoi because it’s yaoi. also your statement “if u knew what u was getting into meaning u happened to witness a rape scene unexpected u already know what u got yourself into”... what? so since you apparently do not understand what i meant i will break it down for you.
    I thought this story would be a threesome. but it is not. there’s two potential tops and one bottom like i assumed though.
    also that makes no sense whatsoever.
    if i knew what i was getting into (aka the threesome which i had thought) meaning you HAPPENED TO WITNESS A RAPE SCENE UNEXPECTEDLY. (a scene i didn’t think would be there which is pretty disappointing) wait make up your mind, you even confirmed that i happened to see it unexpectedly so how did i KNOW what i was getting into? if it was unexpected how did i know there was going to be a rape scene? what, because it’s a yaoi? yaoi isn’t rape culture. “sorry u didn’t expect that to happen”
    you’re just confirming my point even more!?!?
    if it’s unexpected then i didn’t know it would happen, therefore i didn’t know what i was getting myself into.
    unless you’re still going on about the whole yaoi is rape culture, if you ask around for yaois without rape you will find a SHIT TON of them. not all yaois and not “most” have rape in it. do not generalize rape with yaoi. THIS is what pissing me off. especially since people think it’s normal for yaoi. seeing this while being in the lgbtq+ community is heartbreaking. it looks as though you’re saying because it is labeled with yaoi, it’s automatically rape culture? am i not allowed to read a yaoi about a relationship i want to have if i could have one? and to assume that that yaoi i’m reading is automatically rape culture because it is yaoi? are gay men not allowed to have sex without it being considered rape. most yaoi is fictional, but would you say the same about real gay men? can gay men not make love to one another without it being considered rape? you wouldn’t think that about real gay sex right? you wouldn’t right? being gay while replying to you in the comments saying that i have to get used to the rape in yaoi is honestly pretty frustrating. it’s like telling me that i have to sit back and watch as other people push it aside and tell others to wait for character development simply because two men had gay sex and it is labeled as yaoi.
    it’s also pretty frustrating because you act as if i’m a 12 year old girl who is unaware of what yaoi is.
    when i think back to you saying i’m only taking about personal experiences, why aren’t you?
    if i’m only speaking for myself, (which i am) who tf are u speaking for? everyone in the “yaoi community”? since you say that i only speak for myself i am going to assume you are trying to speak for everyone in the “yaoi community”. but you can’t do that. you’re one person. not everyone in that “community”. you cannot speak for all of them. so you saying i’m only speaking from my experiences is correct but does you saying that mean you’re trying to speak for everyone in your little “community”?
    you can’t do that.

    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    why didn’t you care?

    Hen Tie October 17, 2020 8:32 am
    i’ve read those popular yaois like potn, and warehouse. i don’t like them very much. i never said i didn’t come across anything with rape in it, i said it didn’t EXPECT it to have rape in it. also it’... CAINPLSRAILMEWITHURMONSTERCOCK

    Okay u really starting to piss me off
    “ also it’s not labeled, in yaois like potn is rape labeled? in this yaoi is the rape labeled?” As a Long Time reader, some yaois have labeled/ warn that there’s scene that have something disturbing that make readers uncomfortable just to clarify them
    “ i’ve gone deep with this whole conversation actually, regardless of how much yaoi i’ve read you’re in no place to tell me whether or not how long i’ve been reading yaoi”
    What typa shit do u read? Because it don’t make sense how u go off saying rape is wrong but never come to realized there’s rape involved in yaoi?????
    “ but what i’m not okay with is how people like you say that all yaoi must have rape or yaoi is just rape culture and people who just straight up disregard a rape scene in a yaoi because it’s yaoi”
    UM??? Me?? I said that??? U wanna take a good look at our conversation because I clearly never mentioned yaoi should have rape??? This is where u r weird as fuck for assuming what I am when u don’t know me at all so please stfu ugly bitch
    Explain to me why majority of yaoi have rape in it? That rape culture it’s so common for yaoi manhwa and manga that rape is involved how tf would u not know that?? Your a whole ass newbie for not knowing especially since u just joined mangago this year but say u read yaoi for 4 years? Coming up something better because u saying the same shit 24/7 is really getting boring and tiresome atp nothing better to come up
    “ am i not allowed to read a yaoi about a relationship i want to have if i could have one?“
    U do realized.........not everyone is like u.....because amount of readers love how sexy and hot two male couples it’s no opinion it’s fact ...don’t believe me u can read a whole comment section of readers comment......u r so triggered that fact yaoi isn’t rape culture makes u an issue for not knowing...
    “ and to assume that that yaoi i’m reading is automatically rape culture because it is yaoi?”
    This is where your dumbass don’t get the point ofc AUTOMATICALLY IT NOT RAPE
    When u read yaois that have rape involved u should know by now yaoi has so many rape
    U read differently than people and it shows so the fact your delulub bitchy ass is believing yaoi doesn’t have rape culture automatically make u look stupid as fuck because care to explain why u bother to read these manhwas? What this to u? Yaoi ISNT rape?

    “This got nothing to do what I read” UM yes it does because why read it in the first place and book mark it as u already read, want to red, and read?? I can’t wait for u to come up that most retarded comeback
    “ it’s like telling me that i have to sit back and watch as other people push it aside and tell others to wait for character development simply because two men had gay sex and it is labeled as yaoi.”

    “ it’s also pretty frustrating because you act as if i’m a 12 year old girl who is unaware of what yaoi is”
    Same person who didn’t expect there’s gonna be a rape scene involved and UNAWARE of what yaoi is because apparently not ALL YAOI HAVE RAPE OKAY MHM NOT ALL OF THEM KEY WORD U SAID NOT ALL OF THEM ig every single fucken yaoi that exist is so pure and beautiful mhm was the one u reading cute?

    “ i am going to assume you are trying to speak for everyone in the “yaoi community”
    I don’t know what made u think that but I’m already mention how the yaoi community works and made friends when it comes to yaoi i know how it works but a certain someone cares what I am and think and assume
    If u this mad to even come talk to me and tried to convince me on something give up because this conversation is going nowhere atp

    twnsuii October 17, 2020 7:16 pm


    Hoeklahoma November 10, 2020 6:10 pm

    Yes, it is a Yaoi manga. May I ask what what that has to do with being disgusted with the rape that happens in it?

    Hoeklahoma November 10, 2020 6:17 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    Coming from someone who has read all types of romance (especially adult romance), isn't it a good thing for people to be disgusted with the rape that happens in the comic? I choose to believe that you are an adult that knows the impact of an experience as vile as rape, so do tell me. What is the problem with people pointing it out so frequently? Especially considering this is the first episode in two seasons in which Yahwi has done anything nice for Jooin.

    Heyyyy December 5, 2020 10:14 pm

    I’m enjoying it But these comments are annoying