Am I the only one who's enjoying this manga? CHILLLLLL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a YAOI M...

Laladina October 14, 2020 2:05 am

Am I the only one who's enjoying this manga?
CHILLLLLL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a YAOI MANGA is what we came to read. ITS YAOI!!! it's a f**king Yaoi manga.

Everytime I scrolled down to read the comments my head always hurt bruuh. It's all about rape.... I mean have y'all never read other yaoi manga before?? Some other yaoi manga were worse than this and there wasn't any comments about rape

    And looking at you’re account u literally fucken read manhwas that have sm rape scene like obey me???? So who’s really the disgusting one??? Hen Tie

    people can read shit to support authors you know.

    It’s the fact YOU think Im insulting people when I literally mention if this isn’t something u don’t like then don’t read??? Real question why r u even here reading this manhwa?? And now where in my co... Hen Tie

    stop ignoring rape.

    U literally have a pfp of that man who raped that uke if you’re so against rape when it comes to yaoi stop reading or being involved no one said they supported it but if you’re sensitive with this kind of s... Hen Tie

    so basically you’re saying because this a mlm relationship the fact that he got raped doesn’t matter because a lot of males in yaois get raped so it’s okay.

    U literally have a pfp of that man who raped that uke if you’re so against rape when it comes to yaoi stop reading or being involved no one said they supported it but if you’re sensitive with this kind of s... Hen Tie

    yaoi doesn’t have to be soft in order to have consensual sex. same for yuri, hentai, and much more.

    U literally have a pfp of that man who raped that uke if you’re so against rape when it comes to yaoi stop reading or being involved no one said they supported it but if you’re sensitive with this kind of s... Hen Tie

    i’m supporting the authors because they spend so much time on these, but i will not sit back and watch others defend rape simply because it’s gay.

    Loraxna October 14, 2020 8:31 pm
    It’s the fact YOU think Im insulting people when I literally mention if this isn’t something u don’t like then don’t read??? Real question why r u even here reading this manhwa?? And now where in my co... Hen Tie

    I HAVE READ RAPE BEFORE Omfg I have read things WORSE than this, I am in no way a soft reader. I'm just saying you shouldn't complain when people yell at something THEY should be I'm reading this manga because the art style is pretty and i want the character development, also "enjoy this?" I don't understand what you mean by that but you shouldn't enjoy rape

    Loraxna October 14, 2020 8:36 pm
    It’s the fact YOU think Im insulting people when I literally mention if this isn’t something u don’t like then don’t read??? Real question why r u even here reading this manhwa?? And now where in my co... Hen Tie

    I read this manga cause someone reccomended it to me, the art style is pretty, and I want character development. I am in no way a soft reader lmao, I've read things worse then this, EXCEPT people in the comments knew it was bad , you should not downplay rape by saying it's normal in Yaoi, people are rightfully complaining about it. I'm sorry if I offended you, and I never said you were supporting rape? I don't expect comics to be lovely, in fact I like dark mangas/comics the whole point of my original comment was saying that just because someone complains about rape in a comic doesn't mean they are soft, rape should NOT be normalized and looked over, that's what I meant, I apologize, should have made that more clear.

    Loraxna October 14, 2020 8:38 pm
    And looking at you’re account u literally fucken read manhwas that have sm rape scene like obey me???? So who’s really the disgusting one??? Hen Tie

    excuse me? Can you fucking tell me where the fuck I said if you read this you're disgusting? Atleast in obey me people werent shipping them/complaining when others said something about the rape.

    Loraxna October 14, 2020 8:40 pm
    ikyfl saying I’m downplaying rape...when you’re reading the manhwa Obey me That has a lot of rape scenes...u just played yourself.. Hen Tie

    Sis you need to work on your comprehension skills, I said rape should not be normalized/downplayed I didn't say you should not read it

    Loraxna October 14, 2020 8:41 pm
    i’m supporting the authors because they spend so much time on these, but i will not sit back and watch others defend rape simply because it’s gay. CAINPLSRAILMEWITHURMONSTERCOCK

    I FUCKING LOVE YOU This girl really reached out of her ass and told me that I just because I read a rape scene i played myself? Like? I didn't say anything about not reading rape scenes I said you should not downplay it thank you for having sense

    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    don’t be like that. you know what they meant.

    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    so because people who’ve read a lot of yaoi it is normal to ignore the rape just because it is a mlm relationship?

    Loraxna October 15, 2020 1:28 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Bitch-san

    I never meant it was good I'm saying it should be something people are complaining about when others still ship yawhi with jooin

    Hen Tie October 15, 2020 4:39 am
    ...why do you just delete this comment so its less people yelling u-u Atlas

    U can’t delete comments what-

    Hen Tie October 15, 2020 4:40 am
    so basically you’re saying because this a mlm relationship the fact that he got raped doesn’t matter because a lot of males in yaois get raped so it’s okay. CAINPLSRAILMEWITHURMONSTERCOCK

    Never it was okay don’t twist my words lmao you’re concerned bout males getting rape when u got a pfp of a man who raped someone without they’re consent don’t be jumpy

    Hen Tie October 15, 2020 4:46 am
    so because people who’ve read a lot of yaoi it is normal to ignore the rape just because it is a mlm relationship? CAINPLSRAILMEWITHURMONSTERCOCK

    And here u r reading yaoi my god reread what I’m trying to explain I said I suggest u if u can’t handle this type of stuff, no it not something to be ignore when it comes to rape but weird how you’re getting yourself involved with yaoi knowing there’s a lot of stuff that pretty mess up.....yk what yaoi is bout so idk what the point why even getting yourself reading yaoi...............btw no one ever said this is something to be ignored lmao

    Hen Tie October 15, 2020 4:57 am
    I read this manga cause someone reccomended it to me, the art style is pretty, and I want character development. I am in no way a soft reader lmao, I've read things worse then this, EXCEPT people in the comment... Loraxna

    Realize that yaoi is always something involved with rape this is what I mean yes it normalized and it wrong if u don’t like anything with rape just don’t read yaoi at all it like don’t read books that have stuff that can’t trigger u read something else yaoi comes in different type of stuff soft, hard, and other content ?? Like idk how to explain it because it sounds like I’m just supporting rape when I’m not it’s just creators publish these kind of stuff and till this day they’re continuing doing business this shows how readers r able to handle these kind of content and good for u for putting people in there place that rape is not something to be ignore but will it stop the whole manhwa? No because look how many people r okay with this? If it bothers u that this series is still continuing then don’t read that why there’s many content to read for what u like again I’m not saying rape is okay it just don’t call out readers and believe they support rape which majority of them don’t?

    Hen Tie October 15, 2020 5:04 am
    people can read shit to support authors you know. CAINPLSRAILMEWITHURMONSTERCOCK

    And here u r supporting author who draw the scene where the uke gets rape

    And here u r reading yaoi my god reread what I’m trying to explain I said I suggest u if u can’t handle this type of stuff, no it not something to be ignore when it comes to rape but weird how you’re get... Hen Tie

    Idk if you can read or not, but you’re not proving anything here. You’re just saying the same things over again. I can handle a lot of shit. I’ve been through a lot of shit. But that doesn’t mean im gonna sit back and watch people support rapists and push the rape aside because it is simply gay. Look at what you’re writing. “yk what yaoi is about so idk what the point why even getting yourself reading yaoi”. Okay so you’re just being a dumbass now. I’ll type this in caps this time, NOT ALL YAOI HAS TO HAVE RAPE IN IT. RAPE SHOULD NOT BE NORMALIZED IN YAOI AND YOU SHOULD NOT BRUSH THE RAPE OFF BECAUSE IT IS YAOI. I will say this again, I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT I WAS GETTING INTO, A YAOI. BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN I WAS EXPECTING THE MAIN CHARACTER TO BE RAPED JUST BECAUSE IT IS A YAOI. You say no one said it’s something to be ignored, but i don’t think you understand that you are completely brushing it off just because it’s yaoi and it’s “normal in yaoi”. That’s pretty awful. Would you say that about real mlm couples? If a gay man was raped, would you be saying the same thing? You wouldn’t. So stop excusing this shit. “lmao”.

    Realize that yaoi is always something involved with rape this is what I mean yes it normalized and it wrong if u don’t like anything with rape just don’t read yaoi at all it like don’t read books that hav... Hen Tie

    Once again, not all yaoi had rape.