Yawhi is an asshole. Jooin clearly said to stop and was uncomfortable yet yawhi kept going...

Wren October 13, 2020 9:33 pm

Yawhi is an asshole. Jooin clearly said to stop and was uncomfortable yet yawhi kept going until he made Jooin faint... how is that either “hot” or “ok”? Try saying to a victim of sexual harassment / abuse or rape that they consented by their body reacting, that does not mean they enjoyed it or wanted it. Just because Jooin was erect, doesn’t mean he was happy or feeling good. A lot of manhwa / manga and other yaoi from different countries brush off scenes like this as well, this isn’t the only one don’t get me wrong. Also I don’t care if you disagree, your opinion is your opinion and I’m not going to try and change it, just sharing my own.

    Ken the manga man October 13, 2020 9:53 pm

    Couldn’t of said it better myself like it doesn’t matter if he’s good looking or has trauma THIS IS STILL RAPE