I don’t understand why you guys focus on criticising the uke’s cruel acts so much whil...

Chinko:) October 13, 2020 5:27 pm

I don’t understand why you guys focus on criticising the uke’s cruel acts so much while the seme is a fucking serial killer. Both the seme and uke are disgusting and inhuman beings. Selling children to pedophiles and killing people’s lives are both immoral acts that are unacceptable. How the fuck can you guys see the “killing people’s lives” act not as worth criticised as the “selling children to pedophiles” act? (I don’t compare these two acts, but their levels of inhumanity definitely should be seen as being on the same scale).
I guess many fujoshis are obsessed with the “Sangwoo” seme type, as a result, psychopath killers and criminals are being normalised in their mind without being noticed. The worst is that, this personality type is normalised for only “seme” characters, while the uke characters who are psychopath killers or criminals are criticized for their acts and hated a lot.
I’m getting sick of this double standard in the yaoi community, which is that the uke characters are judged because of their flaws and personality, while the seme characters are whitewashed with “good acts” or some “bad childhood” excuses.

    littleshit October 13, 2020 9:42 pm

    Well, I'm fujoshi and I'm not obsessed with Sangwoo. I think most people think he is fucked up but are obsessed with his appearance to overlook the fact he is psychopath. Both dudes are creeps don't get it twisted. also, uke influenced the seme as child to become addict so.

    omiomi αlphα October 13, 2020 11:16 pm

    another reason might be because the uke is a priest, and yeah they love characters like sangwoo.

    randomhoe October 13, 2020 11:44 pm

    Double standard??? Who the fuck would judge someone differently just by their positions in bed? The reason why the priest is criticized is because he is drugging the child before he grew up to become a murderer. That would mean that the priest may have caused him to go insane and kill. That doesn't make the serial killer's sin any smaller but it does make priests sin bigger since he basically created a killer.

    bruh i think you forgot that seme and uke are just positions in bed and not a gender identity that is discriminated

    randomhoe October 13, 2020 11:55 pm

    also please give a good looking uke that is hated because they're a psycho or a killer. people find sangwoo hot because he is made to be hot, the creator made him hot, but that doesn't mean people are glorifying his acts (tho there are some crazy people who like his behaviour).

    Chinko:) October 14, 2020 12:32 am
    Double standard??? Who the fuck would judge someone differently just by their positions in bed? The reason why the priest is criticized is because he is drugging the child before he grew up to become a murderer... randomhoe

    Double standard doesn’t only apply to different gender identity. It happens in different groups of people which receive unfair treatment unreasonably. So double standard obviously can occur among the seme characters and uke characters too.
    “Who the fuck would judge someone differently just by their positions in bed?” - yes, after reading yaoi for 7 years, I realise this is the case. I have read multiple yaoi where the uke is judged by the flaws which the seme also has, but the seme is not judged, instead the readers focus on hating on the uke. “People in the society are treated differently just by their skin colour“ sounds more unacceptable than “people being treated differently by their positions in bed”. People are even treated differently because of their skin colour, so it’s possible for people to judge others by their position on beds. Human likes to judge lol.
    “The reason why the priest is criticized is because he is drugging the child before he grew up to become a murderer. That would mean that the priest may have caused him to go insane and kill.” - There is no 100% confirmation that drugging a child makes the child become a murderer/killer. You also mention that “the priest MAY have caused him to go insane” which means you are also not sure whether the seme’s insanity is caused by the priest or not.
    The origin of people’s killing acts is THEMSELVES!!! Even though there may be external causes, the main cause is internal.
    If the author is trying to show that the seme’ inhumanity is caused by the uke (by providing to the readers that the seme is drugged by the uke), this means the author is trying to whitewash the seme’s inhumanity and put more blame on the uke. At then end, people will focus on the uke’s inhumanity and will think that the uke is the only one at fault.
    Creating a killer and being a killer are in equal scale of inhumanity. Both of these acts kill people’s lives, so there is no such thing as “bigger sin” or “smaller sin”. But you are not even sure about whether the seme’s inhumanity is caused by the uke or not, how can you claim that the uke created a killer?

    randomhoe October 14, 2020 1:32 am
    Double standard doesn’t only apply to different gender identity. It happens in different groups of people which receive unfair treatment unreasonably. So double standard obviously can occur among the seme cha... Chinko:)

    I have also read a lot of yaoi but i have not found any where the uke is heavily disliked by doing something the seme also does. My main point is that the reason the priest is criticized is because he may hav caused the guy to be a killer, of course there isn't any real confirmation that the reason the guy became a serial killer but that's the conclusion i came up with since the serial killer became a drug addict. We have different opinions on how murder should be judged but the author is not whitewashing the killings(SK was supposed to be hanged) but providing a reason why he is killing.

    randomhoe October 14, 2020 1:33 am

    The main focus of the chapter is to show the priest drugging the killer and guess what people are talking about? the priest drugging the killer. The killer's doings and punishment wasn't given much attention because it's pretty obvious that killing is bad. It's more INTERESTING to think and talk about why did the killer kill. This does NOT mean that people are glorifying the killer's actions but we are just curious and would prefer to talk about WHY he is killing. It's pretty boring if you just state the obvious and say "killing bad i hate the killer :C".

    rmmm67 October 14, 2020 1:44 am

    NAH FUCK THE PRIEST ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE PRIEST he’s the one that started this shit. I have a feeling something similar must have happened to him but idc. Those kids are adorable and he fucking them over