Not sure why is was necessary for the author to emphasize that the Leta people lost their ...

seaurchinn October 12, 2020 7:31 pm

Not sure why is was necessary for the author to emphasize that the Leta people lost their dark skin and became fair skinned lolol it seems like they wanted to have a minority being prosecuted for being one without drawing actual minorities

    Hime October 12, 2020 7:45 pm

    Isn’t the author korean? I’m also asian but embarrassed how most of us are unapologetic racist and pretend to be ignorant like other racist people.
    They say it’s preference but are so mean with their bleached skin. smh

    with the leta people i think the author didn’t focus too much on that, instead she wanted to move on to the adorable couple.

    seaurchinn October 13, 2020 1:58 am
    Isn’t the author korean? I’m also asian but embarrassed how most of us are unapologetic racist and pretend to be ignorant like other racist people. They say it’s preference but are so mean with their ble... Hime

    If they were Korean then that would make some sense, but it doesn’t excuse them.

    I’m Asian too and it sucks how Asians with darker skin are put down all skin colors are valid!!

    chic October 13, 2020 3:19 pm
    If they were Korean then that would make some sense, but it doesn’t excuse them.I’m Asian too and it sucks how Asians with darker skin are put down all skin colors are valid!! seaurchinn

    On the other hand, asian Malays or Indonesians see the lighter skin asians as inferior as well. It's really a vicious cycle since the colonial era.

    kyouchannn October 13, 2020 3:59 pm

    maybe, just maybe,
    story is trying to say that skin color really is just a matter of geography and climate, and after hundred of years and generations moving to places, ofcourse there will be some changes to skin pigment