(imma pretend u didnt call me dipshit)
i dont hate him or anything i just dont want him to end up with Chiwoo cuz he already did enough,, the end was good he accepted it and in my mind he was willing to chance and let him go.... what i dont want is him coming back to do the same thing again cuz then it will mean he didnt grow as a person and honestly he should have a happy endin too...
thats why i dont wanna read the next part, cuz he will propably come back the same...
i hope i explained myself so you understand what i was trting to say
so apparently a lot of people like Jihyun,,,, like why?? he an ass, carajo.
Honestly i dont even wanna read the second part cuz i know he'll be back and i dont even wanna see him....
in the other hand i wanna know what happens with Chiwoo and Kyujin...
el mega dilema *peace*