Hondo didnt show the respect to Ian which one should be showing to the person one love. He basically took advantage of Ian in every way he could ,doesnt matter he meant it or not. He confessed to Ian only AFTER he forcefully had sex with him. Pretty sure what he did was nothing but selfishness and jealousy . Welp,opinions differ.

What I saw was Ian selling the audience on what a brat Hondo was. It was constant, and if you didn't pay attention, you could easily let Ian sell you on that, but if you look at Hondo's behavior, he's a nice young man, he obviously is curious, begins to care, makes stupid little mistakes but nothing to justify Ian's reactions. Ian's behavior was crazy and really, not worthy of Hondo. Shiwon also insisted how horrible Hondo was based on nothing at all.
I'm saying that "forceful sex" scene was not valid. You can't legitimately count that because it came when the sudden need to vilify Hondo and pump up Shiwon. It was contrived and not part of the original story. You can tell! It was completely counter to the way the scene was playing out.
Hondo is a bit flippant, but Aeju planned to write a much longer story and slowly develop his sincerity and character. .... if the fans hadn't spoiled it..

If the story had developed correctly, no one would have been raving over Shiwon. The story would have - god, you could see it stretching out there into space, this wonderful, interesting, unusual story. A few more chapters and I'm pretty sure Aeju would have brought it to llife. She poured so much energy into creating Hondo, it had to go that way.
Im very glad that hyondo understood everything he did which had hurted Ian. Hyondo was immature ,i hope he grew up and mate his soulmate. And as for Shiwon and Ian. Im happy for them. And im very VERY glad that Ian chose shiwon. Shiwon's love for Ian was so sincere from the very beginning. I loved this manhwa.(⌒▽⌒)