I do agree with you about everyone having a happy ending, although Sian has also traumatized Yul. When you look at it from Yul’s perspective, she was the one who broke him first. He went through all of that shit just to make Sian happy, yet when she found someone else, he didn’t know how to handle it. And instead, Sian chooses to just run away with yujin and she didn’t bother to address Yul’s current mental state. She could’ve told Yul to get some help and be more lenient towards him, and she can still be happy with yujin. But she just chose to leave him behind and give zero fucks.

Umm... No definetly not. This is not Sian's fault. You can blame her for him being mentally ill. So it's okay, that everytime someone brakes up, you become a stalker, abuser, and kidnaper? No.
He did this. Not her. Why is everyone saying they are running away, the dude id in a hospital with jis family, he will definetly get mental treatment. Why does sian have to take care of her abuser? You guys are crazy! What she did was more than enough. Good for her! She does NOT have to keep yul next to her ot frag him along in her life. This is the best thing I've seen a survivor of abuse do. SHE IS A QUEEN. Yul needs to take care of himself. He is a grown as man. Who has done terrible things, if you guys have forgotten.

Well duh, he wasn’t ok before they dated. But why are y’all so narrow-minded? He was abused by his family, his upbringing was terrible. The only light in his eyes was Sian, ofc he wouldn’t have done those actions if Sian didn’t break up with him. His current mental state is this severe because of Sian, I’m not saying it’s all because of her, but if there wasn’t a Sian, there wouldn’t be his mental illness, now would there? I guess in ur eyes people are just born psychotic and murderous, because u think he got his mental illness before Sian. How else would he get his illness? He did everything for Sian, so she’s obviously influencing his decisions.
I think Yul, Sian, and the blonde guy deserve happiness. I just dont believe Yul deserves happiness with Sian because he did so mcuh horrible and tramatizing things to her. I do wish everyone can find their own happiness, and I hope yul dosent do the same thing to another girl