It is not pronounced "Jezu".
I looked it up in several web sites and all had it spelled out phonetically that way and I used my Japanese keyboards Siri speach setting which seemed to sound the same way it was phonetically spelled. I Dont know where else to look for a better understanding-how do u pronounce it. It seemed to be a soft j almost like esu
I think some of the oneshots of this collection are already uplaoded here separately (correct me if I am wrong):
1.Hideyoshico, "High School ☆ Lullaby" :
2.Ichikawa Kei, "Michi Dzure" :
3.Harada, "Yajirushi" :
4.Jaryuu Dokuro, "Good Excuse" :
I don't know what "gesu" means but I am guessing this collection has a more sad, twisted atmosphere. I mean authors like Hideyoshico and Ichikawa Kei usually write realistically cute stories with happy endings...