Upload more please!!!?? ╥﹏╥

sakura April 14, 2015 4:30 am

Upload more please!!!?? ╥﹏╥

    redpanda42 April 14, 2015 5:28 am

    not sure there will be more updates as the group that is scanning this have decided to make only available to those who use their site and are labelling users of sites like this as leechers, they are making lots of noise about it too I can't understand their logic though as I would be almost certain they first found this when it was scanned by another group and took over when they got sick of waiting on updates maybe someone else can make them change their opinion but im not going to waste my time on them

    Deslynn April 14, 2015 1:04 pm
    not sure there will be more updates as the group that is scanning this have decided to make only available to those who use their site and are labelling users of sites like this as leechers, they are making lot... @redpanda42

    Hi Redpanda, Jackie here.

    You're operating under a misconception that we're against people on these sites. We're not. In fact, many of the awesome people who comment and have become wonderful friends read on these sites. I search for manga here too. In fact, Cae and I are not even 100% against these sites (though the idea of them isn't fair to many actual scanlation groups. So I tend to use these to find manga, and then I go to the groups' websites. But to each their own preference). You can see that as we uploaded the first half of our chapters on to these sites. (Eventually I got tired of doing it though. I'm kinda lazy.)

    Our problem arises from the fact that people are taking our work (and I assure you that manga is not so easily cleaned, translated, typeset, and converted into different files - especially since I'm not fluent in Japanese and I spend lots of time puzzling out what something means) without our permission. You may see this as "no big deal" but until you've experienced a situation where someone rips something you've been working on for a long time off you and not even give you a single comment of "oh, I'm planning on doing this because of this... is this okay?", and you suddenly see something that YOU worked on for hours and days appear without your knowledge, you shouldn't make judgmental comments. =)

    Also, rather than making your complaints known here, you would affect much more change if you would take it to the people you are complaining about. ^^

    Anyway, as you're upset with us, you don't need to continue reading if you don't want to. As you say why "waste your time". I hope you have fun reading the other mangas! There are many good ones. I'm quite into "Shuuten Unknown" right now actually (Thanks Paradise Love Scans!). I recommend it. I loved it so much I actually ordered the Japanese volumes <3.

    [I do hope that you will respect the other scanlation groups (the real ones. Cae and I are kinda a two-man team so we're not really a real scan group xD) enough not to disrespect them on aggregate sites even if you are upset with something they decide to do though.]

    Good luck in your future,

    P.S: Sorry for the wall of text xD.

    Anonymous April 19, 2015 11:39 pm
    Hi Redpanda, Jackie here.You're operating under a misconception that we're against people on these sites. We're not. In fact, many of the awesome people who comment and have become wonderful friends read on the... Deslynn

    Thank you Jackie and also Cae! Thank you very much for all the hard work in putting these up. I now understand the hurtfulness of your hard work taken away as I've felt similar things. I, also being a yaoi fan, apologize on behalf of that person as I'm also a fan and it could have been anyone. We all much appreciate your work, it's like ur God and u just give and give us many updates which feels like christmas presents lol! Also thank you for the reccomendation, Shuuten Unknown, it looks really good ;)
    Yaoi Fan Till Death ^^

    Deslynn April 20, 2015 12:45 pm
    Thank you Jackie and also Cae! Thank you very much for all the hard work in putting these up. I now understand the hurtfulness of your hard work taken away as I've felt similar things. I, also being a yaoi fan,... @Anonymous

    Aw! *hugs* Thanks so much for your comment!!! xD To be honest, I'm such a lazy bum that if it weren't for such kind and supportive people like you, I'd have given up after the first two chapters haha xD *hugs*.

    I'm so glad you're enjoying the series! (Have to warn you that it's incomplete because the mangaka dropped it TT_TT). And omg, I'm in the middle of trying to guess-estimate what the Japanese volumes of Shuuten Unknown is saying. I love the mangaka. She makes such interesting stories! I demand you read it so I can gush like the rabid fangirl that I am over it with you hehehe ;P. (I'm kidding.... well... half kidding. xD).


    The other Scanlator July 10, 2015 12:03 am
    not sure there will be more updates as the group that is scanning this have decided to make only available to those who use their site and are labelling users of sites like this as leechers, they are making lot... @redpanda42

    We aren't against these sites. I use them myself. What we are against is OTHER PEOPLE taking it and uploading to the site before we do. We like to give a week or more on our own site before we upload it to mangafox/mangago ect.

    k_brooks13 July 21, 2015 10:49 am
    We aren't against these sites. I use them myself. What we are against is OTHER PEOPLE taking it and uploading to the site before we do. We like to give a week or more on our own site before we upload it to mang... @The other Scanlator

    I'd also like to say thank you I can't imagine all the work that goes into this, I have a hard time with normal life :P Keep up the good work and make sure you enjoy it, know that it's appreciated.

    cutepeoplez9 July 21, 2015 6:06 pm
    Hi Redpanda, Jackie here.You're operating under a misconception that we're against people on these sites. We're not. In fact, many of the awesome people who comment and have become wonderful friends read on the... Deslynn

    he so you have a site where you upload manga? right i was wondering if you could tell me the site name and stuff :D?

    Deslynn July 28, 2015 12:42 pm
    I'd also like to say thank you I can't imagine all the work that goes into this, I have a hard time with normal life :P Keep up the good work and make sure you enjoy it, know that it's appreciated. k_brooks13

    Thank you! <3 xD I'm glad that you're enjoying it!

    Deslynn July 28, 2015 12:48 pm
    he so you have a site where you upload manga? right i was wondering if you could tell me the site name and stuff :D? cutepeoplez9

    yup! If you google "midnight sun scans" our wordpress should pop up. =D Thanks for the interest! <3

    ⚣_Holic April 18, 2016 2:32 pm
    Hi Redpanda, Jackie here.You're operating under a misconception that we're against people on these sites. We're not. In fact, many of the awesome people who comment and have become wonderful friends read on the... Deslynn


    First of all I must honestly admit. I haven't read the manga yet. I saw an update & was planning to pick it up since so many of my friends recommended it. Also it's one of the rare jewels from the 19's!! That just adds more appeal to it for me ^^
    So I was randomly surfing through the topics to see other user's opinion & stumbled upon this post. I have been around the yaoi fandom for a long time & I have seen plenty of disagreement, argument, verbal abuse, debate between the manga aggregator site users & scan groups. BUT, this is the very 1st time I saw a scan group moderator/member deal with it in such a Calm & Collected Mature way. My utmost respect & appreciation to you,Jackie & Cae and the whole Midnight sun scan group(in case you have any more member), for not getting on redpandas throat, for not paying attention to the troll attack(if it is), for not stereotyping each & every fans out there as the same as redpanda & threatening to stop the scanlation (as many do normally & I don't blame them for it), for understanding that there might actually be a misconception here & writing such a thoughtful,humble yet powerful reply. I admire people who can deal with a negative feedback, brush it off & strive forward. So, Thanks again! For the manga AND the comment (●⌒ ◡ ⌒●)ノ❀

    Deslynn April 20, 2016 1:23 pm
    *RESPECT*First of all I must honestly admit. I haven't read the manga yet. I saw an update & was planning to pick it up since so many of my friends recommended it. Also it's one of the rare jewels from the ... ⚣_Holic

    Aw! You made my day! Thanks so much for the lovely and kind comments!

    I re-read what I wrote, and I have to admit, I was upset when I wrote it... I'm kind of embarrassed at some parts where the tone could definitely have been more objective. But I'm glad that you thought it wasn't overboard. =D

    Thinking back, I get where redpanda's coming from. It's frustrating when groups drop scans - for whatever reason. And it's even more frustrating when feeling attacked by scanlation groups just for reading on aggregate sites. I've totally been there. And I get why redpanda was upset. It's one of those things where until they're in the other's person's shoes, they don't really understand where the other one's coming from. I've (obviously, because I am a huge otaku xD) been a lurker on aggregate sites for sooo long. So I (now that time's passed and I'm not upset anymore) can totally relate to how redpanda (maybe) felt. I think redpanda hasn't scanned before, so it's understandable that they would become frustrated.

    Either way, I hope they did go read Shuuten Unknown. It's fantastic. xD.

    Thanks again for your kind thoughts! I hope you enjoyed (or will enjoy if you haven't yet) the midnight sun manga!

