U see what happened was that Cain was hurt in the heart . To cure it ,. His door went inside his consciousness. They were in the middle of there sergury ( or more like having sex) that the doctor who was curing them got hurt . That's why he was not able to continue the surgery. Moreover when the doctor got hurt, I think the door got a little waked up . That's why the door started disappearing from the consciousness or more like he was started getting swallow by his consciousness. I think Cain realise the situation that something wrong has happened because of which he was disppearing along with his door who was also disappearing so he forcefully grabed on to his doors hand and took him along and they came out of their consiousness to the real world forcefully . I hope this helps . Don't ask me the names . I don't remember
girl i understand nothing than just explosions and bleaming lights but thanks for the update