i’m really enjoying this but man webtoons really do love having fair skin people in everything lol

medeva October 11, 2020 8:52 am

This webtoon is alot more detailed than I expected especially when it comes to culture in Oman, some of it is ehhh and I’m scared to know how they’ll dabble in Islamic topics but it did a little more than I expected and I do love all the characters so far but goddd

Ashan or whatever is hot don’t get me wrong but man why is it such a trend for fair-skinned or white passing characters to be basically the main leads in stories or cultures where people tend to be anything but that? LMAO like I don’t know but it’s sad to think that sometimes they won’t even think about making the character brown-skinned or anything and dark eyed in fear that it might not be interesting enough or something lol.

And don’t even get me started and female characters who are leads, I can probably count on my fingers the amount of FL that aren’t fair skinned please lol. Like really what was stopping them from just putting this story in Europe or something and making Ashan a european prince or something or at least making his cousin the lead like noooo we gotta make the one white looking guy here the most important one.

It definitely follows the same layout as the White Savior trope (which is a pretty documented and researched trope I implore you to look it up if you don’t know of it). I’ve got an issue with it ngl, like I said I do really like Ashan as a character and he is handsome with his aryan-like features but I’m just pointing out this trope lol.

Also another thing I really like, personally, I really like how Hani looks like an actual korean. Nothing wrong with having your korean girls be bright haired and bright eyed of course like it’s all fictional but I really do appreciate that sometimes they’ll keep it simple and still show that despite having none of that she can be quite the looker and she is very pretty to me like that.

    Chimmygirl October 13, 2020 5:05 pm

    But, aren't there many Arabs who are white skinned, blue eyed and blonde? But, I agree with you about the white washing issue.

    canela October 13, 2020 6:23 pm

    yess finally someone address this!!

    hxhism October 13, 2020 6:28 pm

    i agree i noticed this too

    risa kim October 13, 2020 7:49 pm
    But, aren't there many Arabs who are white skinned, blue eyed and blonde? But, I agree with you about the white washing issue. Chimmygirl

    they are the minority, and it’s not as if white skinned blue eyed blondes aren’t represented in these manhwas, they’re always the male leads. the majority of the people don’t look like that, and it should’ve represented the country and the people where this takes place. it’s just blatant, how the author wants to take the ‘fool’ aspects of the culture without actually using brown-skinned people of the culture.

    medeva October 13, 2020 11:07 pm
    they are the minority, and it’s not as if white skinned blue eyed blondes aren’t represented in these manhwas, they’re always the male leads. the majority of the people don’t look like that, and it shou... risa kim

    yup. it essentially rehashes people of color’s culture and sends it back to us packaged with white people. honestly you can argue the favoritism for white-passing characters in fictional pieces that aren’t connected to the real world or are fantasy. it’s even crazier to think about because a lot of these authors/artists are people of color too ... not white people pushing an agenda or something

    Tai October 14, 2020 1:41 am
    But, aren't there many Arabs who are white skinned, blue eyed and blonde? But, I agree with you about the white washing issue. Chimmygirl

    lol maybe like .01 percent of arabs have blue eyes AND blonde hair. plenty of arabs are on the light side or could pass for white europeans or smth but that level of paleness, blue eyes and blonde hair is very specific to places within scandanavia. obv there all kinds of shades of light hair and colored eyes found around the world but that look above is distinctly not arab even amongst the light skinned arabs. not to mention his facial features are also super northern european too. like...the artist did not even TRY lol. why not just make him be adopted or smth if u want an anglo prince that bad? smh

    Amy Rose October 26, 2020 2:08 pm

    Downvoted by mistake( ̄∇ ̄")