Wow wtf is on her mind?

queennonchalant(¬_¬) October 11, 2020 7:57 am

She’s so opposed of her baby being used as a pawn but doesn’t give a fuck about her child that already exists? The child that she abandoned when she ran away trying to play a trashy Cinderella role? The child that she left behind EVEN AFTER she became a concubine? What about that child whose name she’s NEVER, NOT ONCE, called? He’s a pawn if you think about it. His grandfather is using him to take money from her and all she’s worried about is the benefits and not her goddamn son. Trashta is not only a shitty woman but she’s a piece of shit mother. I don’t care how mad she is at the baby daddy, take care of your fucking son. And when I say “take care”, tell your man the fucking truth (which she should’ve done from the jump) and grab your son. Stop giving money to somebody who used to be your master and save your kid that’s already here. The kid had nothing to do with anything.

    KissMeLikeYouMissMe October 12, 2020 5:06 pm

    I’m not defending her or anything, but she said once that her baby was killed and that she saw the corpse. She even ask Ergy to confirm if that is her child for her. And if she once believe her child to be dead, I don’t think she will suddenly believe him to be alive just because her former master( the slimiest looking bastard I’ve ever seen) say so. I think she still has doubt regarding the child in question still.

    queennonchalant(¬_¬) October 12, 2020 11:11 pm
    I’m not defending her or anything, but she said once that her baby was killed and that she saw the corpse. She even ask Ergy to confirm if that is her child for her. And if she once believe her child to be de... KissMeLikeYouMissMe

    Oh I didn't know about that. Then again, I still don't understand why she's letting him use the excuse of his "grandchild" to get money from her. She's just giving him money without proof that her son is alive or not. She's still not really caring about her other child's existence and giving him money to cover up her shit. But I agree with your point, I just don't agree with Trashta. ( ̄へ ̄)