I kinda like this story. It’s interesting.

TurtleWAT October 11, 2020 6:10 am

I’m usually impatient but I don’t mind the slow pacing of this story since I’ve dealt with these types of stories before. I love the concept and think it pretty cute so far. I’ve dealt with stories that I at first thought were yaoi/BL and turned out not to be but the plot kept me on board. Kinda like Nanohana Boys. The only bad thing I can say about this story is the flashbacks. They’re too dragged out and can leave the reader bored.

    TurtleWAT October 11, 2020 6:14 am

    I’m honestly quite mad at the people saying,” I’m confused at who the main character is” or, “was this not yaoi?” Like I get it you like smut and don’t read anything else besides yaoi but come on mates. It’s not that hard to understand stop being dramatic. It’s rude and makes you seem like a dumbass. If you don’t enjoy it why did you keep reading it until now??? You know you were interested in when/if they were going to get together. (Honestly I am too.)