Hello everyone, I thought long and hard before posting this here but now that I have your attention, I think it would be stupid of me to waste this opportunity.
I’m a Nigerian, and I don’t know if you guys have heard about my country or know what is going on in my country right now.
We the youths have decided to protest against the police brutality in the country and if you come accros any of these hashtags on twitter or any other social media platform #ENDSARS #ENDSWAT #SARSMUSTEND #ENDPOLICEBRUTALITYinNigeria, then that’s us.
We have different law enforcement units like the normal Police, MOPOL (which is the mobile police); SARS (Special Anti-Robbery Squad); FRSC (Federal Road Safety Corps, Civil Defense, Army, Navy and many more.
Our main concern is the SARS unit which is also a branch of the Police Unit. They are terrible thugs who arrest young people for having tattoos, dreadlocks, using an iPhone; dying their hair; being homosexual; dressing nice, driving a nice car; just being alive etc. It’s all crazy, I know, but it’s real and it’s happening.
People can get arrested just for walking about or even standing outside their own house. Sometimes they even break into houses to raid and arrest people. If a friend, family member, acquaintance or loved one goes missing; you may never set eyes on them again because there’s a 99.9% chance that that they been picked up by these people and extorted, tortured, sometimes raped and even murdered. Most times you don’t even find a corpse to bury because they would deny ever having such a person in their custody even if you want to bail them out.
So many issues are wrong with these people because they are doing the very opposite of what they were recruited for and our leaders are doing nothing about it because it doesn’t affect them. I mean, they are meant to protect against robbery but they are the ones who rob us. When we get attached by robbers, they would never respond to your calls for help because they already have a deal with these robbers. You stand a higher of chance of getting robbed, kidnapped and brutalized by them than you would by actual robbers and kidnappers.
Sometimes innocent people are used to replace hardened prisoners that have bribed them. They mostly accuse us of being involved in “yahoo” which is a Nigerian way of saying “cyber crime” and it isn’t even their job responsibility because the EFCC (Economic and Financial Crimes Commission) is in charge of that. But they would torture you until you admit to being involved in “yahoo” even though you are innocent. Then they would extort you and if you’re unlucky, you would get killed.
Our Government have no way of controlling them because there is no proper database to record and monitor anything.
My country is a third world country but believe me when I say we are not a poor country. We have a lot of mineral resources and raw materials like oil, gold, coal, cocoa etc but our leaders loot and embezzle everything but we never complain. All we ask is that they reform the SARS and police units so they can stop killing us. We have a right to live too. We have been on it for 5 days and still no progress. All they do is change the name of the unit and everything else remains the same. They have changed their names several times and yet no progress. They have banned them from the road numerous times but still they are on the roads. Imagine banning a unit 4 times in a year and still no change. They recently changed their name from SARS to FSARS and just yesterday, they changed it to SWAT. What a joke. Same clowns, different name. We have had several arrests and casualties for peacefully protesting against this. Our Government and Police officers have bribed thugs from Niger Republic, a neighboring country, and some other ignorant hoodlums in our own country, Nigeria, to disrupt our protest because they have started being exposed by the international media for being violent with us and shooting live ammunition at peaceful protesters. There are pictures and videos to back it up.
Our protests have gone global and it has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I have been so invested in it and when it gets too tough for me to handle because of the gory pictures and videos circulating all over social media, I come here to read one or two updated mangas and relax my mind; reason why I avoid any comics with angst and stuff. It’s one of the reasons why I got into this fight cos it was supposed to be a safe space for me to unwind after crying my eyes out but then I got trolled.
If you wanna learn more about this, you could check endsars.com where you would read about people’s first hand accounts of what they have experienced and suffered in the hands of these police officers and their various units, and also stories from people who have lost loved ones to such brutality. It’s quite gory so you need to be strong mentally and emotionally to check it out. I personally avoided it myself because I would cry my eyes out. You can type any of these hashtags on twitter and learn more about this and I would be more than willing to enlighten anyone if they get confused.
I just want to create awareness because the more people know about it, the farther it would spread. The older generation is too ignorant, myopic and cowardly to do anything about it so it is up to us the millennials and Generation Z to fight for our freedom and save ourselves. Our various local media outlets have been suppressed by our leaders in Government and they have refused to post truthful accounts of what is really going on so we have had to use the International media to spread the word via social media; hence, my posting it here as well since most of you are foreigners. You can also show your support by saying one or two things about our plight and use the hashtag so more people in your country can learn about it and maybe even do their own research. It would go a long way for us.
The only way to escape all of this is to migrate to another country but not all of us can afford it because we aren’t even given the opportunity to get good jobs to be able to save up enough money. Some Nigerians even pay to be trafficked out of the country and end up as being sold slaves in Libya. The best jobs are saved for the children of the same elites and politicians who have been oppressing us. We have protested numerous times but we kept getting ignored and repressed so we decided to keep reaching out to the international news media and we have gone too far to turn back now. No matter how many people get brutalized or killed during these protests, we cannot relent because if we do, things would be worse than they already are now. When they brutalize and harass us, you hear statements like; “I will shoot you and even the President can’t do anything about it” OR “I will kill you and they won’t find your body”. If we don’t get what we want now, they may even add “I will kill you and the worst you can do is protest and nothing will happen.”
Our prisons are filled with innocent people being kept in cramped up prisons for bogus and concocted charges and most of them spend years and even die in prison due to being tortured and malnourished without ever getting a fair trial in court and no way to reach out to their family who are most likely still searching for them.
Once again, I’m sorry if you feel it’s bothersome as I just wrote an epistle, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. I also do not know if I am even allowed to do this here and if I am not, I am also very sorry but this is the only way for us to get what we want. The more we can create awareness and get foreigners talking about it, the better for us. Our Government will not listen to us but if the world starts to call them out, they might just give in to our requests.
Thanks a lot! The protest is really going very well. I remember on the 12th of October, so many people got killed, arrested and brutalized and I cried so much, I fell sick. I almost gave up but the memory was of those who have died for our cause kept me going. I couldn’t let them die in vain.
I had to even pray, something I rarely do because I started to doubt God after going through so much hardships and God did answer my prayers because there were no casualties today. So instead of shooting with live ammunition, they paid thugs to disrupt the protests in different states and cities but the hoodlums were quickly suppressed. I have renewed my faith in him.
We have no intention of stopping now and they would have to either kill us all or give in.
omg.. that sounds horrible. I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of that, and I'm sorry for all the things that have happened and continue to happen there. I've met some people and have heard their stories and they just broke my heart. I can't believe people are being treated like this still. Honestly people don't talk about this enough. I've heard of the youths before, think it was in a documentary by some brittish guy.. sorry I can't remember.
And I'm not too familiar with the youths or all that they've done but just from what you stated it sounds like you've done and continue to do great and brave things.
Anyway, it really is just.. terrible. People should NOT be treated this way and it just frustrates me that this isn't something thats talked about more often. Seriously I'm so sorry that this still continues to happen.
I know I can't do or say anything to help but my heart goes out to you, the youths and all the others who are treated in such a terrible way.
It's kind of weird, getting so serious on mangago but thank you for bringing it up anyway.
I really hope that this all ends soon, even though I know it can't be resolved overnight. I still know that it can't stay like this forever and that people like you and the youths exist and will help make a change. I have no idea what to say, even though I know my opinion doesn't matter, but I really hope everything will be okay soon!
Thank you very much for your support. It means a whole lot to me. We’re just trying to make it trend as much as #BlackLivesMatter did because that is the only way we can be liberated. It’s funny because we aren’t even asking for much; just “stop killing us”, that’s all. I guess they are afraid of what else we would ask for if they do grant our wish. Lol.
WOW! The uke really had sex with someone else? I honestly thought he wouldn’t go through with it. This is exactly how trouble starts so I’m outta here. My heart can’t take it.