Your comment gives me the impression that you're some scum that doesn't know how to fucking spell. Hey how about pulling that fat stick out of your ass and stop being a little pussy. "Like you have the right to police my comment" Dumb chick, relax tf down, you're not some big shot like Queen Elizabeth. A comment is meant to express and I just said what I wanted to say. So calm your saggy tits and put a dick in your mouth, cuz no one wants to hear you speak.

Hahahaha! Took you long enough to reply and boring profanities is all you came up with? Yes, my grammar was correct cos that is how I chose to express myself. Ever heard of “poetic license”? Google it up so you can learn a thing or two.
A comment is meant to express yourself, yes. But no one said you have to let your fingers type without consulting your brain first, assuming you have one, which I very strongly doubt so my condolences in advance for rating you higher than you truly are.
My dear, I have time tonight and we can do this all night long. I’m gonna drag you on the streets of mangago by your grandma’s lice-infested wig which I’m very sure you have on right now. It’s very evident that you must be high off all that shit that is coming out of your mouth. Telling me to put a dick in my mouth when we both know you’d die to suck mine. Your mouth must smell like shit cos you damn well built a mansion in my asshole already. Go ahead and keep on licking. Werey dey disguise.

I didn't read this thing's essay at first because I know it wrote nothing worthy of my time. Now after reading it, As I thought, this creature wrote nothing worthy of my time. This is thing thinks writing more means it won the argument. Who gave birth to this creature? God knows, or maybe god doesn't want to know. I wouldn't certainly with how this premature fetus is acting like on the internet, isn't that why it has so much free time?
This is why human cages should be invented. Make sure to sign a petition, Guys.

"Poetic License" I googled it and learned it's definition. It states "the freedom to depart from the facts of a matter or from the conventional rules of language when speaking or writing in order to create an effect." , I wonder what effect did you create? Maybe the effect of me hallucinating and seeing a gun in front of me and pulling the trigger so I can get rid of the thing above who's after my ass. The only person that needs a license is your mother because she has to take care of you.

Lmaoooo! Now say all this again without crying. You tried to come for my grammar which wasn’t even wrong to begin with and now you write an epistle with so many grammatical and typographical errors, I had a hard time understanding your rant. Why are you bleating like a goat? You started it and now you’re trying to act all mature? Nah fool, I told you you messed with the wrong one.
Don’t think because I was being all civil with my first comment, you can come here to spew your bile under my comment. You’re the first one to go on a tirade with profanities and when I hit back, you start blubbering like a fool?
No wonder your name says “half-breed”. Must be half dyslexic and half moronic.
Try to say something sensible, I dare you!
By the bye, I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE! *spits in the gutter* REST IN PIECES, BITCH!

To answer your question, my mum gave birth to me but I’m sure you can’t really process that information since you were most likely donated at a sperm bank by your Dad. You were most likely specially selected to fertilize the egg cos there is no way you were the fastest sperm to reach the egg. That’s why you have no home training and think it’s okay to insult people unprovoked.
Don’t run away now. We’re just getting started.

Lol. Do you actually think before you type? I’m asking because I’m genuinely concerned for you. How do you talk so much and make so little sense? Seriously.
Well, I’m glad I helped you learn something because maybe now you can admit that you coming for my grammar was a cheap shot and the fault is entirely on your own ignorance. The fact that you could take my sentence as a grammatical blunder when it really wasn’t tells me a lot about your low standard of education.
Quick question: Did you actually spend time in the four walls of a classroom? Did you finish high school? College? If you did, which I very much doubt, you truly need to ask for a refund cos they scammed you. You talk like someone that lacks basic education, how much more a standard one.

Ahaha you're funny, I started it AHha good one, This whole tread is a bigger joke then your life. Maybe calm down and stop writing 10 fucking paragraphs at a time. You have a lot to say but nobody listens to you, just like politicians. I'll stop here because I don't want to feed you. I understand you have all day, but sadly for you, I actually have a life. I hope natural selection does it's job tonight, I can only hope.
WOW! The uke really had sex with someone else? I honestly thought he wouldn’t go through with it. This is exactly how trouble starts so I’m outta here. My heart can’t take it.