Why yall hating on the MC?

Mariie October 10, 2020 2:39 pm

She's super cute and funny, the hell?!
Not every MC has to be the badass, it's good to have different personalities. Ps: the guy in glasses is soo cute I ship him with the MC

    海伦 October 10, 2020 11:37 pm

    shes just like the other girl... she acts like a pick me girl and it pissed me off that she took what was meant for someone else, no offense tho.

    need bl October 15, 2020 12:16 pm

    well others want to have always baddass mc on every isekai manhwa like wth

    feekapii November 3, 2020 11:03 am
    shes just like the other girl... she acts like a pick me girl and it pissed me off that she took what was meant for someone else, no offense tho. 海伦

    I mean.. a story ain't gonna be worth telling without a basic of a plot.. I don't think y'all would enjoy just watching her sitting on her room every chapter..

    spooky 海伦 November 4, 2020 1:03 am
    I mean.. a story ain't gonna be worth telling without a basic of a plot.. I don't think y'all would enjoy just watching her sitting on her room every chapter.. feekapii

    yeah no shit that’s why the plots shit and i dropped it af i’d rather have her ass sitting in her room every chapter than having to see her bratty ass i was just answering why u don’t even need to make an excuse for her, opinions aren’t gonna change

    feekapii November 4, 2020 5:54 am
    yeah no shit that’s why the plots shit and i dropped it af i’d rather have her ass sitting in her room every chapter than having to see her bratty ass i was just answering why u don’t even need to make ... spooky 海伦

    i'm not getting your opinion changed nor am i excusing her but girl.. it's simple storyt telling structure. If there's no character to go through growth what's worth it? This is why 8 our of 10 stories from shoujo are cutboard pieces of just cliches and no drive or motivation for characters that's just.. soulless.

    I'm just saying for a story to function characters like this needs to exist and make decisions for it to move forward..

    spooky 海伦 November 4, 2020 5:50 pm
    i'm not getting your opinion changed nor am i excusing her but girl.. it's simple storyt telling structure. If there's no character to go through growth what's worth it? This is why 8 our of 10 stories from sho... feekapii

    well the main reason why i hate on the mc is bc her character/personality pisses me off yeah duh if the character was soulless it would’ve have been just as infuriating and you replying to me is just making up excuses, you didn’t need to involve urself in the convo thats asking on why they hate on the mc unless you want to defend her ass or you wanted to answer why. and you know u don’t need to act like a thirsty slut bitch in order for the plot to involve... y’all might like her bc y’all relate to ha thirsty ass but not me i find her annoying af and i’m just saying she doesn’t need to be like that in order to make decisions and for it to move forward i simply did not enjoy her character and dropped it and am simply answering the question so get ur ass out of here unless u want to answer why too lmfao dumbass

    feekapii November 4, 2020 7:53 pm
    well the main reason why i hate on the mc is bc her character/personality pisses me off yeah duh if the character was soulless it would’ve have been just as infuriating and you replying to me is just making u... spooky 海伦

    pls as if you saying shes a thirsty slut bitch makes this conversation better, stop being a mysoginistic fuck and let women thrive in their sexuality.

    if you dropped it then drop it, but baby you only look like a damn fool right now by thinking a woman being provocative and taking charge of what she wants is being slutty or being a bitch.

    then you have problems so don't go out here calling me a dumbass, I was nicely trying to explain shit to you and that doesnt compel you to take an offensive stance because none of the shit I said was offensive for you to get this defensive over a damn comment saying shit like this is what drives a story.

    thats on you if you hate her, thats on you if you think shes a slut then guess what shes a fucking slut then so instead of me getting my ass out of here, its gonna be you judging fictional characters for being provocative. I bet you wouldn't say the same shit if it's a man with good looks I pity you.

    feekapii November 4, 2020 7:57 pm

    and if you ask if i relate to her then yes bitch I fucking do. I don't mind asking and going for what I fucking want whether it be fucking dicks or being choked so sit your clown ass down.

    If you have problem about women sinply having sexual thoughts which every fucking person in this world has except babies then thats on you so we can see who really has a problem here.

    I didn't do shit to you mate so don't go acting like a bitch out here you said your piece, I said my piece and that was the end of it you should have just sat there ate your food and left instead of spouting shitty comments that you can't delete.

    Mariie November 4, 2020 9:00 pm
    pls as if you saying shes a thirsty slut bitch makes this conversation better, stop being a mysoginistic fuck and let women thrive in their sexuality.if you dropped it then drop it, but baby you only look like ... feekapii

    Love u(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    海伦 November 6, 2020 6:14 am
    and if you ask if i relate to her then yes bitch I fucking do. I don't mind asking and going for what I fucking want whether it be fucking dicks or being choked so sit your clown ass down.If you have problem ab... feekapii

    girl stfu no one finna read ur shit anyways they were the one who asked and i delivered and yeah its literally on me but u were replying for no reason which made the convo even longer idc if shes a slut or if she has sexual thoughs no one cares the reason why i hated it was already stated was bc she was annoying asf and that she literally acts like the other girl too but she knows the story so she steals the ml i literally dont fucking care if ur ass thinks im being offensive or some shit but this is how i literally talk like u fucking pussy ass bitch i said that shes a thirst ass slut/bitch as an insult but that wasnt my main reason?? i just said that i disliked her personality but u wanted to put the "thirsty ass slut" as the main argument girl literally cant take shit and chill even if i took the thirsty ass slut part out it would still be the same she's just a mf brat and im just answering the question?? blame it on the og for asking i never even commented shit about her but youre out here going to every comment and defending her ass LMFAOOO i see u ur not sneaky stop trying to start shit that doesnt even matter plus fiction doesnt equal reality am i gonna hurt her feelings or sumn?? just telling why so shut the fuck up before i talk even more shit or maybe u could just ask og to delete their mf comment theyre the ones who mf asked YOURE ASS IS LITERALLY ONLY TAKING THE THIRSTY ASS BITCH PART uhm girl????? i was saying that phrase instead of her name but u took it soooo seriously and said some shits ab sexual thoughts and being provocative blah blah blah as the main reason why im hating on her when i literally just called her that as an insult or to just use it in order to call her.. i couldve called her a brat too its literally just a name the way u just wanted to pick one thing that wasnt even a big deal from my argument and it literally has no relations to my argument r u fucking dumb go back to reading go back to reading yaoi sigh dumbass these days if u tryna start an argument dont just blame me when im not at fault lmfao dumbass

    海伦 November 6, 2020 6:19 am
    and if you ask if i relate to her then yes bitch I fucking do. I don't mind asking and going for what I fucking want whether it be fucking dicks or being choked so sit your clown ass down.If you have problem ab... feekapii

    i also never said i had a problem with women having sexual thoughts i dont even know where ur getting that from. you trying to explain shit?? explain what?? that shes not a mf brat and that i shouldnt hate her ass?? ur the one who made me comment these shitty things pussy i just said i did not enjoy her personality and then you go on with the idc some dumbass shit that dumbasses would say anyways dont go around acting like a fucking dumbass im finna get second hand embarrassment from ur shit

    feekapii November 6, 2020 6:34 am

    LMFDASOOO sis out here blocking me so I couldn't reply to her, EMBARASSING. cha cha your way out of here, serena chacha with your irrelevant clown ass.

    feekapii November 6, 2020 6:38 am

    you said what?? chile, you look even stupider than before honey just take the L and fuck all the way off. expand your vocabulary from 'dumbass' cause honey try me again and you'll get it. I don't get cute.. I get drop dead gorgeous now eat it oh and also.. since you're so keen on doing this death drops and making a fool out of yourself why don't you just reverse it and drop dead.

    feekapii November 6, 2020 6:44 am


    海伦 November 6, 2020 5:07 pm
    you said what?? chile, you look even stupider than before honey just take the L and fuck all the way off. expand your vocabulary from 'dumbass' cause honey try me again and you'll get it. I don't get cute.. I g... feekapii

    arent u the one who wanted this shit to stop i blocked u so then u can stop acting so fucking retarded and you can’t even argue back cuz i’m right?? go on about what i was talking about and not how i blocked u.. if u think me blocking u is LMFOAOAOOA SHE BLOCKED ME THIS IS HILARIOUS it’s not it’s just embarrassing that that’s all u can say is haha she blocked me?? why don’t u tell me how she’s not a brat girl exactly lmfao u act as if ur vocab is different the fuck go back to saying chile girl clown ass seriously you’re vocab is basically the same fucking hypocrite

    海伦 November 6, 2020 5:11 pm

    no one cares if i block u, this isn’t even what i was talking about so.. aren’t u gonna continue defending her brat ass???

    feekapii November 6, 2020 5:53 pm

    sis.. i would but I don't have to exert energy for you. I already did and it's your problem if you can't get behind that. You're a 20th century joke in the making who probably lacks the right common sense to properly function in society. You go around saying she's a brat but bitch, do you see other bitches out here saying that? She did the fucking bare minimum and you're out here acting like her selfishness caused the world to end.

    You not only fed yourself with your own ego, trying to justify your crooked perceptions and opinions as If it's gonna make you look better. Honey you're insecure. Let the girl live her life, let the girl find happiness, let the girl be happy. All she did was try to get divorced and used the prince's secret for that she never 'stole' anything because while it was a future that was "muddled up and uncertain" it hasn't happened yet.

    So go back to whatever hole you came in like the mole rat you are, with your dry ass dumbass, hypocritical ass who can't take a fucking L and go and please between the two of us who is acting more 'retarded', sis this was an OKAY conversation at the beginning when I was explaining shit to you sincerely then you came out here going slutty bitch ass and that's not my fault, that's your own shit to own up with, eat it, throw it away, or own up to it I don't give a fuck about what you do with your own stinky smelly shit because right now girl you're cancelled and irrelevant ass with nothing but a narrow minded view of how people should act.

    So soak up your saliva, close your gaping mouth like the rabid dog you are and go back to your leashed caged because at the end of the day we both know who is embarrassing themselves so go and block me to prove nothing but how immature you are.

    海伦 November 6, 2020 10:38 pm
    sis.. i would but I don't have to exert energy for you. I already did and it's your problem if you can't get behind that. You're a 20th century joke in the making who probably lacks the right common sense to pr... feekapii

    huh i’m not acting as if it’s going to hell YOURE the one who’s acting like hating on fictional characters would make a fictional character cry when they don’t even exist?? can i not hate on fictional characters??? u act as if ur a mf saint or sumn .. ure the on who’s immature for replying when i literally said nothing mean ab her until ur ass started talking? i blocked u so u could just let go of this convo that is going out of hand bc ur sprouting nonsense that doesn’t even relate to what i’m talking about I MF SAID I HATE HER MF PERSONALITY. PERSONALITY MA it’s my mf opinion it’s not my fault ur ass replied it’s not like she could see this “ let the girl live “ as if she can see this

    海伦 November 6, 2020 10:39 pm
    sis.. i would but I don't have to exert energy for you. I already did and it's your problem if you can't get behind that. You're a 20th century joke in the making who probably lacks the right common sense to pr... feekapii

    continuously replying to me makes u just as immature .. can u defend her PERSONALITY tho? no because everyone has preferences

    feekapii November 6, 2020 11:29 pm

    oh my god girl, you keep going over this in circles, if youre not gonna stand on the podium and play fiddle with the goddamn stick then just step off. you're just dragging this shit on. you keep asking can you defend can you defend when i've literally did just that.

    you have your preference great, but I have all the rights to tell you your preference is bad end of story chacha now and wdym you said nothing mean about her and bullshit I literally just said character growth an ld decision was vital and decisive for a plot.

    it was no shit for you to get offensive so dont blame me for it, and i literally don't give a shit anymore since at the end youre either just gonna go and reply to this like.

    dumbass youre a dumbass, or use the words i use like girl get a grip on reality and just take a break