
OddQueen October 9, 2020 10:33 pm

Who the f is enjoying something so disgusting?! And giving it anything above 1 star?! 9 rating?! Are u kidding me

    Yaoiwhôre<3 October 11, 2020 9:50 pm

    This is yaoi bitch so stfu and deal with it

    Yaoiwhôre<3 October 11, 2020 9:50 pm

    And if you don’t like it then leave AINT nobody want u here anyways

    louise October 11, 2020 11:03 pm

    like its so sad and heartbreaking. but it gave the tw

    OhBear94 October 12, 2020 12:00 am
    This is yaoi bitch so stfu and deal with it Yaoiwhôre<3

    Yikes, rape is not yaoi. It may be common in yaoi but it isn’t yaoi.

    huru October 12, 2020 12:08 am

    There's a tw for a reason so why did u keep reading it-

    Dee October 12, 2020 2:35 am
    Yikes, rape is not yaoi. It may be common in yaoi but it isn’t yaoi. OhBear94


    N1806m October 12, 2020 4:29 am
    This is yaoi bitch so stfu and deal with it Yaoiwhôre<3

    You stfu because your disgusting the yaoi I read are with consent and happiness and if your into this then your disgusting idc if this is a story this is wrong imagine this is you I get you won’t like it so you need to stfu

    Beelzeebub October 12, 2020 5:03 am
    This is yaoi bitch so stfu and deal with it Yaoiwhôre<3

    Not you trying to normalize rape wtf!

    LunaticMoon October 12, 2020 12:05 pm

    It literally gives you a warning, so stop being so negative. Of course rape isn’t ok in real life but it’s a comic and the author is putting a lot of work into it!

    Yaoiwhôre<3 October 12, 2020 5:00 pm
    Not you trying to normalize rape wtf! Beelzeebub

    Ok so lemme get this straight just cause I enjoy what the author is putting out I like rape? Are u fucking dumb?

    Yaoiwhôre<3 October 12, 2020 5:02 pm
    You stfu because your disgusting the yaoi I read are with consent and happiness and if your into this then your disgusting idc if this is a story this is wrong imagine this is you I get you won’t like it so y... N1806m

    Disgusting? Nah boo ur the girl reading yaoi u probably beat off to it too with your fujoshi ass

    Beelzeebub October 12, 2020 5:07 pm
    Ok so lemme get this straight just cause I enjoy what the author is putting out I like rape? Are u fucking dumb? Yaoiwhôre<3

    You literally said "dealt with it" to the person who is disgusted with rapey shits. Bruh BRUH this is rape idc if its just drawing or just a story IDC if you like this craps or it gives you a warning or sum shit but you saying "dealt with it" to a person who is disgusted with rape is literally you telling a person to let the rape be, thats literally normalizing rape use your brains

    Weirdperson October 12, 2020 9:31 pm
    There's a tw for a reason so why did u keep reading it- huru

    Just because it has a warning doesn't make it any better dumbass.

    Weirdperson October 12, 2020 9:35 pm
    It literally gives you a warning, so stop being so negative. Of course rape isn’t ok in real life but it’s a comic and the author is putting a lot of work into it! LunaticMoon

    Just because its a comic doesn't make it any better. It's still disgusting whether or not its a comic. And it's not like the author made this comic to aware people that rape is bad, they just made it because " Uwu lets just normalize lol. It's yaoi".

    Weirdperson October 12, 2020 9:39 pm
    Disgusting? Nah boo ur the girl reading yaoi u probably beat off to it too with your fujoshi ass Yaoiwhôre<3

    Bitch something is wrong with you mentally. Like, do everyone the favor of getting off this site and speaking to a fucking therapist. Thanks

    Yaoiwhôre<3 October 13, 2020 2:52 pm
    Bitch something is wrong with you mentally. Like, do everyone the favor of getting off this site and speaking to a fucking therapist. Thanks Weirdperson

    Oh nah just cause I want to support these authors who write stories like this? Theirs stories are thought out so well but I guess your stupid ass brain can’t comprehend it. Comeback once ur retard ass brain know how well these authors work on these

    OddQueen October 13, 2020 3:39 pm
    This is yaoi bitch so stfu and deal with it Yaoiwhôre<3

    U should learn some manners ... But looking at your nickname I can't except much

    LunaticMoon October 14, 2020 9:38 pm

    The fact that some of you, are ok with things like Killing stalking but not this? Like are you serious?

    LunaticMoon October 14, 2020 9:44 pm
    Just because its a comic doesn't make it any better. It's still disgusting whether or not its a comic. And it's not like the author made this comic to aware people that rape is bad, they just made it because " ... Weirdperson

    I never said “Uwu let’s normalize this” but I just find it funny that people get so worked up over it. Like I completely agree that rape isn’t ok, but I believe that if you put a warning so people know that it is there I honestly don’t see the problem. Like I don’t like it either but some people are into that crap.
    Something that I also find wired is that almost everyone is ok with for example “Killing stalking” I mean I tried to read that shit but couldn’t finish it, there’s rape and so much more in that and yet, that is ok but this isn’t?

    Yaoiwhôre<3 October 15, 2020 6:29 am
    U should learn some manners ... But looking at your nickname I can't except much OddQueen

    Who are you bitch? Some old granny LMAOOO bitch bye stop tryna act mature when ur not