You guys... hear me out: Main characters both like each other or has a thing for each oth...

Weishaupt October 9, 2020 9:21 pm

You guys... hear me out:

Main characters both like each other or has a thing for each other and one of them kinda knows the other likes them back but won’t confess first bc they want the other to say it first and so they try to make them jealous instead hoping the other to confess already but psyche, the other guy/girl thinks they definitely dont have a chance with the other main character so they get upset or whatever, gets comforted by a side character or sumn like that and the other mc who knows they both like each other goes “shit this is not what I wanted!” gets desperate or jealous idk and ends up confessing first to make it all right.

Doesnt have to be exactly what I typed down, just sumn like making each other jealous and stuff, ya know, good ol angst, hurt/comfort idk man. Something like that.

Yeah so, anything came up to ur mind after reading this? Bl/mxf relations, idc you name it. Please recommend something like that I beg
