XD ya, and that's not even the most extreme one i've seen since i've read quite a few different stories with that sort of thing while doing research for my own BL writing too. some of them really made me cringe to the point of being ill from how detailed the mangaka had gotten on the details of it for historical accuracy. {cringe} never reading that much detail again, i'm glad this one was mild

Ah yes me too, I'm glad it's a mild one. I've read something like that too but the had some difference like the guys who were tortured were some the most bastard and murder or rapist so torturing them didn't make me feel bad that much and after torturing the mc killed them and didn't left them alone for slow death .
Ps: WOW you're writing your own bl ! brilliant

ya it's one think if the character has it coming, another if it's just like "ya i don't like you so into the jar you go" XD
P.s: thanks, i'm still working on my latest chapter for my FB group page story i'm writing but i've a few short stories published online and am currently working on a novel as well as started working on mapping out the idea for a manga series i have that i want to do

i think it's important to do things to have it so fans can feel included, it's like a way of thanking them for the support and personally it's helped me with my writer's block a few times too thanks to them pitching ideas they 'd like to possibly see included in the stories.
you can find a couple of them on Facebook, my most recent one is Immortal of the Smokin Gun

β(β βΒ·βΟβΒ·β β)β
no problem, and feel free to invite others you think might be interested in the story too :)
i wish more authors were like that too, especially ones of some of my fav manga series XD though i'm sure i'd become one of those annoying fanboys with a ton of questions and asking for tips if they were

Of course I have some yaoi eater friends like myself in web comics and manga toon , they love new stories γΎ(ββΉβ‘βΉ)οΎ~ ...
Haha I get you sometimes I'm like that too and a lot of my friends are like that too in web comics always asking a lot of question of author but most of the time there isn't any answer .
P.s: it would be fantastic if you could post your stories on webcomics or mangatoon but if you can't, don't mind me ,I'm grateful enough for reading new stories (((Β΄β‘βΏβ‘`+)))q

ya..always irritates me when there's no reply even to acknowledge the received contact from a fan. to me that's rude to fans cause the least one can do is acknowledge that the fan reached out otherwise it gives the impression fans aren't important and that's upsetting
i haven't started releasing manga/webcomics yet but once i do i'm likely to do so through webcomics since it seems the most popular on both app and pc. i'm currently working on collaborating with an artist friend to get a manga series going. hoping things go well so can start it soon

Awwwwwsome ...great choice webcomics reader are more energetic and like to comments their thought about stories more than other app's users . They're always competing for first comment XD .
I'm looking forward to it (*οΌΎβ½οΌΎ)οΌ
I hope everything goes well for you and wish you biggest luck and success ...
What crime did she commit that her punishment is like that