The story is pretty original and cool and the art is really pretty. The charecters lack a ...

Star⭐ Gazer October 9, 2020 5:39 pm

The story is pretty original and cool and the art is really pretty. The charecters lack a bit of personality though, and they feel a little dull. They dont smile much :// and when they do, they seem pretty emotionless. I think the story may seem emotionless due to the art and thoughts?? I think the story isnt that funny in general, and the art is more like realistic and pretty rather than showing any screentones. I do really enjoy the art, but there arnt any simplified art style :<

    Haseyu October 9, 2020 9:39 pm

    It's true they're pretty emotionless but everyone they care about is dying left and right tho so they're all pretty depressed. Like the good humans lost the little prince and the rangue are being hunted.

    Nakiri October 22, 2020 10:13 am

    they were designed to be emotionless like that sadly