
I guess it's to each their own. I am not a siscon, but I also don't have a sister lol. I have an older brother, but we're more like on friendly terms. Now, I do have a nephew and I dote on him sooo much. I think he's so cute and sweet. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that he heals my soul. Whenever I'm down, I'll just pull up a picture of him and I feel immediately relaxed so I can totally see people getting complexes over their family members. I don't compare him to the sky, but I compare him to angels so there is that lol
Look, I love my my sisters, and am protective of them, but THIS IS INSANE! You do NOT compare the sky to your sister's eyes when with a possible marriage candidate. You also, do not compare her skin to clouds, like what the ever loving fuq? This is taking "sisterly love" to a level that makes me squeamish. Here's to hoping dear younger sister will tell her older sister "Look, I love you, but you're annoying. Back off and let me live my life."