What’s a story you guys read that was so good you just reread from time t...
Yaoi vers recs?
hey hoes need new recs please and thank YEW okay here are the requirements ...
Cakeverse reccs plss preferably uke cake seme fork
Recommend Please
Is lullaby of the dawn here?
Dark romance josei recommendations??
Hey y'all I started reading this manga I can't remember whats its called tho so can one of y'all help me?
So there is this sales man he tried to quit on his first day, but he couldn't. His boss keeps giving him weird ass shit to sell (hes selling on foot btw). He comes across a boss of a really big company the boss tells him a whole lot of mean shit b/c what he is trying to sell is clearly low quality. But later that day the salesman encounters the boss again after drinking. Can y'all help me find it?