But he gave up so easily.
I won't call it rape because when someone is raping you, you won't give up because of pleasure, you can't even get aroused.
In my opinion he said all those things because he was angry but didn't also struggle much because he still loves him (that I don't get why!) Or else you will throw kicks and struggle, you use your nail, scream and you never give head that easily instead you will bite his dick off!

Okay so a lot of people get confused on that, if you were in a situation where you get kidnapped and forced to have sex you would be to scared to fight back, in fear that you would get hurt, just because Jooin didn’t bit him or kick etc doesn’t mean it isn’t considered rape, yes the pleasure gets to you and you’re unable to move but it still will damage your pride and mental state/sometimes physical state. Everyone is different, some people can throw a punch, some can scream, or some can just mentally destroy themselves, it’s still considered rape if there is no consent.

I got your point and I agree to this more or less but I still tell it's not rape at least not in this manhwa. Yeah I know not all the people fight back and some just accept it because of many reasons but at least you can see the pain or the shock or whatever in their faces when it's comes to rape. you absolutely won't show pleasure unless your're a psyco and also the day after you won't act like nothing happend and won't get blushesh whenever you see your rapist like a newlyweds and also You definitely won't ride on their car's! I say it all because I've watched the raws and Jooin's face and acts shows you at least he won't consider it as rape. You will know after watching them too.

You know you can see this kind of sex between husband and wife in real life when they have a little quarrel and such. I think you know what I'm trying to say.
In my opinion they are somehow the same, I get this kinda vibe from their after sex behavior.
By the way I totally am against the rape and I hate it when the author shows it like it's nothing and make the uke powerless and acceptable and specially horney towards their rapist. They literally turn rape into hard-to-get action and It truly is disgusting!

Hi ~
As far as I know you can't get aroused during rape. You will get aroused when your body start to feel good or you're watching something pleasurable and such but rape doesn't bring anything good. You're stressed, scared or in shock and ... so you definitely can't feel anything good. it's the reason why the rapist use drug or aphrodisiac. The feelings are so important for a man for getting hard. like when they are so tired or they don't feel anything by whatever reasons, they can't get hard.
I think you probably heard during the sex if the bottom feels lots of pain or get scared they go soft or if it's the first time for a top to have sex with his same sex partner, sometimes & because of many reasons, they can't get hard eventhough they had foreplay.
So it's not that our body can do whatever it wants. the boss here is our mind and the orders it gives according to the feelings and sensation which we have at that moment.

Oh and I forgot to mention yes we have something as forced pleasure even during rape but definitely they are so different from the real pleasure and usually these type of pleasure are the ones which make the victims feel guilty about themselves and it's so sad as you said because they blame themselves over something that absolutely wasn't their fault. but I specifically am talking about the last chapters of this webtoon not about the other ones or even real life. If I insist it's not rape, because at least the author couldn't make me feel it like rape. in my eyes and according to the Yooin actions and behaviour as I said before it gives me the vibe of some couples who were in quarrel and specially the bottom is mad at top and it was more like a make-up sex than rape for me!
By the way, these are the feelings that I have from reading these chapters and raws, other persons feelings can be different from mine and it's ok because everyone has their own perspective ;)

Kind of agree with this. I didnt say that I like what Yahwi's doing with Jooin tho. I admitted that he's a jerk in this chapter. Because of jealousy. I feel uncomfortable to see it too bc he dont grow up. What I mean is that I dont think that this is a rape bc Jooin doesnt really hate it, esp when he open Yahwi's pants and see his dck, he just like "wow, big". And he still response to everything Yahwi's said. He even think abt how would that dck fit into his h0le tho. He didnt really hate it, maybe bc Jooin's still love him. I just compared that scene with another rape scene I readwhere the bottom cries in pain and not even enjoy the sex.

I dont like Yahwi's actions beacuse my expectations are high. Because I wish he could be soft for once and start to accept his feelings. But, there he goes, still denial and dont grow up yet. He messed up by throwing Jooin and being a jerk againn, he doesnt know how to show his feelings. He's jealous, but he dont (wanna) say that. Tho, he said himself that it would be different this time, and he really did changed in next chapter. Im just saying my opinion about the rape things, by seeing Jooin's expressions and acts in this chapter.

this is a really big problem with rape culture. rape is not always someone holding someone else down and raping them forcefully. there are many forms of rape and saying there isnt is just disrespectful to people's experiences. please do some research on this topic as it is really important esp in todays society

Yep, I totally agree with you.
We here talk about rape from Jooin perspective not what was Yawhi's action and intentions. In Jooin's eyes it wasn't anything like rape.
And I don't get why others insist on it like they are the only ones who know all about it. How they are sure that we didn't have any research?!! Did they ever thought with themselves that maybe they are the ones with lack of research?
In rape there is not anything like acceptance, enjoyment from heart and acting all buddy buddy with the rapist unless you have some unintentional mind sickness (I don't blame them it's just a mental sickness like all the others) or they have Stockholm syndrome.
And we are sure that Jooin doesn't suffer from any of this.
AND WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THIS WEBTOON ONLY, maybe in another one and according to the situation the same act can be counted as rape.
I admitted that Yahwi is such a jerk in this chapter bc he just throwed Jooin like he throws a thing. But I dont think its rape, bc Jooin doesnt refuse it and still answer Yahwi for whatever Yahwi's saying. Dont hate Yahwi that much guys, bc he actually care for Jooin. He just denial and theres some reasons why he like that. Just wait for the next chapters