Lmao ngl I thought it was super cute how she liked the ml and him being like her height an...

co1orful October 7, 2020 5:09 pm

Lmao ngl I thought it was super cute how she liked the ml and him being like her height and not too fit, I really thought it was adorable how she was the one seducing him as if he was really a concubine. It was interesting when he revealed his real body I mean I got no complaints hha but she is super great to pick the first body of him then his second like it fr shows she's devoted and the ml shouldn't be feeling sad or bad about her not liking him cause bitch you gotta tell her that you're the 1st guy lmaooo what would he expect?? Technically would be awkward if she liked the 2nd body since for her it's a stranger.

    Nami October 11, 2020 6:31 am


    co1orful October 11, 2020 6:26 pm
    What Nami

    Read the story? idk if you haven't lmao. If you have then I'm just saying usually stories would have the ML be fit and buff with the FL but this FL picked a feminine guy instead and is the one seducing the ML and I thought it was cute. But apparently he has a secret identity and his real body is fit lmaooo like alright :,)).... also he flirts with the FL with his real identity and body but ofc she's not gonna be with that cause shes not a player, apparently he feels down how she thinks of his real identity when she complains to him in his feminine body but I mean he hasn't told her who he really is and its like a stranger flirting with you when you already have a boo. He should be happy that she really loves him and wouldn't be swayed by his real fit body and status. I hope he goes and tells her the truth then these misunderstandings lmaooo.

    Empress Zia October 12, 2020 4:22 pm
    Read the story? idk if you haven't lmao. If you have then I'm just saying usually stories would have the ML be fit and buff with the FL but this FL picked a feminine guy instead and is the one seducing the ML a... co1orful

    Umm.... wrong story, you're talking about Peerless Alchemist right? The ML in this story only has one identity so far not two. Lol I feel the same way but, your comment is in the wrong place. So it's just confusing to those who don't know what you're talking about.

    co1orful October 12, 2020 8:49 pm
    Umm.... wrong story, you're talking about Peerless Alchemist right? The ML in this story only has one identity so far not two. Lol I feel the same way but, your comment is in the wrong place. So it's just confu... Empress Zia

    BRO LMFAOOO WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT FIRST LOL NOW I'M DUMB YES YOU'RE RIGHT OMG HGAJAJAJAHAHA idk how I commented that on here I think I got confused somehow sorry but yes you're right lmaooo I looked through the screenshots and was like "OH SHIT" hmm for this one... damn I needa get caught up with it sorry I've been reading too much and the storis get jumbled up

    co1orful October 12, 2020 8:56 pm
    BRO LMFAOOO WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT FIRST LOL NOW I'M DUMB YES YOU'RE RIGHT OMG HGAJAJAJAHAHA idk how I commented that on here I think I got confused somehow sorry but yes you're right lmaooo I looked through t... co1orful

    LOL BUT I'M HAPPY U AGREE HAHAHHA in that story I fr was dying

    Empress Zia October 13, 2020 12:11 am
    BRO LMFAOOO WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT FIRST LOL NOW I'M DUMB YES YOU'RE RIGHT OMG HGAJAJAJAHAHA idk how I commented that on here I think I got confused somehow sorry but yes you're right lmaooo I looked through t... co1orful

    I don't blame you I mixed them up a lot too lol.

    Nami October 13, 2020 4:25 am
    BRO LMFAOOO WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT FIRST LOL NOW I'M DUMB YES YOU'RE RIGHT OMG HGAJAJAJAHAHA idk how I commented that on here I think I got confused somehow sorry but yes you're right lmaooo I looked through t... co1orful

    You had me confused I was like what in the world did I miss

    co1orful October 13, 2020 4:43 am
    You had me confused I was like what in the world did I miss Nami

    LMAO AWW I'M SORRY BRO LMAO WHYD 10 PEOPLE LIKED MY COMMENT THAT WAS UNRELATED TO THE STORY DOE BRUH GUYS ;,,, ((((( hahahahah yes oh well I did a explanation on the peerless alchemist if somebody hasn't read it after reading this :,)

    Empress Zia October 13, 2020 10:06 pm

    To those who see this and wonder wth is this person talking about she's referring to the story Peerless Alchemist and if you like this story I very highly suggest it, along with The Ghostly Doctor and Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss. There definitely worth taking a chance on especially The Ghostly Doctor.

    Jiophone2 October 15, 2020 5:22 pm
    Read the story? idk if you haven't lmao. If you have then I'm just saying usually stories would have the ML be fit and buff with the FL but this FL picked a feminine guy instead and is the one seducing the ML a... co1orful

    What r u talking about lol

    Empress Zia October 15, 2020 6:56 pm
    What r u talking about lol Jiophone2

    It's a different story. Peerless Alchemist. Read my comment above this.