For the last chapter I was like what the fuck is that?! I actually really don't understand...

Nanaruka April 5, 2015 5:15 pm

For the last chapter I was like what the fuck is that?! I actually really don't understand the way of thinking of Osamu! I mean, he was rape (even if he don't "dislike" it, rape is rape!) and in front of his "senpei" (I wanna bury them alive these assholes) and even if Souya's his friend how could this end like : "you rape me to become a regular, I quit the club you never spoke to me again, I'm angry at you and what you did but not too much, I'm actually not scare of you even if I have all the reasons to be..." I mean how could he not be angry at Souya and forgive him without any "reasons"?! It doesn't seem realistic for me.. Even if it's your friend (I think it's more when it's your friend) how could you not be angry/hate the person who rape you?

    Zero503 April 13, 2015 8:00 pm

    I agree I would have break is knee caps haha

    GeminiD101 May 1, 2015 12:33 am

    I know. I was like... So you wanna rape him? Then try and befriend him just so you can tell him your sorry and that you actually liked him in the first place??...I'd kick his jaw in if I was the uke, then probably break his wrist in six different ways.

    kai April 18, 2016 5:07 pm
    I know. I was like... So you wanna rape him? Then try and befriend him just so you can tell him your sorry and that you actually liked him in the first place??...I'd kick his jaw in if I was the uke, then proba... GeminiD101

    And the fact that wen he wanted to talk about that day he had the nerve to say "i wanted to apologize since then but don't u think ur blowing this way out of proportion" like hell no. u betrayed yal friendship, betrayed his trust, humiliated him, rape him, did it front of others for a spot on a damn team, and u saying he's over reacting? I would break his dick in 5 different ways.#-.-) that uke shud kick his ass

    Gemini April 18, 2016 6:30 pm
    And the fact that wen he wanted to talk about that day he had the nerve to say "i wanted to apologize since then but don't u think ur blowing this way out of proportion" like hell no. u betrayed yal friendship,... kai

    I know. The seme is shit. And totally agree with the breaking of his dick, I would of severed the damn thing off.

    kai April 21, 2016 4:58 am
    I know. The seme is shit. And totally agree with the breaking of his dick, I would of severed the damn thing off. Gemini

    And feed it to the teammates that watched.