I know a lot of you are gonna be damn upset about this but......If Yona does kill Soowon (...

HEART_LESS_101 October 7, 2020 1:18 am

I know a lot of you are gonna be damn upset about this but......If Yona does kill Soowon (highly unlikely cuz she also wants this chain of revenge to stop) I'm not gonna upset I'll probably be a little happy.

I mean come on Yunho killed Kashi for such a TRIVIAL reason!!! Then had the gust to walk around like he did not, and I pretty damn sure Soowon knew this yet he still went after King Il!!!!

I can't hate anyone....but what Yunho did was atrocious and we can all agree he would a horrible King like Il.

I hate to admit it but yes Sonwon is doing a great job as King uniting nations and what not but let's be honest Yona would also be a great Queen. Being a leader isn't just about uniting nations and winning back land and that's Soowon priority right now. To every great Kingdom it has great people and this Kingdom's people need some serious help and at this point the people know Yona more than the actual King... I'm being biased here and I know it but I just cannot like Soowon all that much

    cybercamellia October 7, 2020 1:37 am

    i'm pretty sure yona has established/ is establishing herself as well as the dragons as a sort of symbol of support among the people.

    the people around soowon is pushing for a marriage between the king and yona so 1) it can kinda make soowon more legitimate as a king since yona is a direct descendent of the previous king and 2) as a way to show people that their king and their symbol have unified, so the people may put their trust in their king more.

    but personally i don't think yona has what it takes to be queen yet. and i don't think yona is willing to join hands with soowon OR settle down as queen.

    now that she's gotten a taste of it, she'd probably want to keep working on the field, from the shadows, travelling and helping people.

    HEART_LESS_101 October 7, 2020 1:50 am

    I agree with.
    We all know at this point that Yona and Soowon won't end up as a couple and with her character as it is right something terrible would have to happen for Yona to just agree to join hands with him.

    All great leaders start from somewhere and although I think she is still missing a LITTLE something I'm sure if she got the throne right now she wouldn't lead the Kingdom to total shit. I'd have to disagree with you on her not wanting to become queen tho, I do think that somewhere in her she does want to become Queen, after it is her birthright. She like Soowon wants to make the Kingdom a better place and if becoming the leader of the nation will make his possible I think she would want to.

    bhosutinax October 13, 2020 3:23 pm

    I'm legit shaking about how this is gonna end up. Yona can't kill Suhon and as much as Hak acts like he would, he probably can't when it comes to it. Something big is gonna happen I can just FEEL it. But I bet it's probably gonna end with Yona ruling as the rightful heir and the descendant of the crimson dragon king while the other dragons serve her by her side and the legacy begins once more. The only problem is, when she dies would the dragons leave the castle again? Or will her child become the next descendant? I'm stOked rn.