
Yomix October 6, 2020 11:34 pm

Can this what she has done be called sin at all?

After all, It was crime of passion. She didn't planed to do this and in addition she just pushed him away. It's not like she stabbed him to death or something. He didn't die either.
Does Enma send everyone who tries to save their beloved ones from danger to hell?
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
And by the way, why she was on list just after the person who was supposed to commit mass genocide? She should have been somewhere in the middle of that list with this boy who wanted revenge for his brother's death.

    Yaoipebia November 26, 2020 4:22 pm

    I think that that was the only person on the list who actually killed anybody and she almost killed somebody. Even if she didnt want to she knew that if she pushed him he would have a chance of dying. Although it kinda sucks cuz that was totally a self defense case but their rules r probably different then our human ones