Just for Yubisaki, I can stretch my imagination and accept Maizuru looking old, because he has a trauma and I don't think he copes well even though he tried to cover his stress. Plus genes and bad living habits on top of that.
For Hajime, I have less idea. Maybe because he smokes a lot? It is not healthy.
But yeah, Bohra-sensei's drawing pushes Jijicon to over the age limit

Exactly. I've read a lot of Naono-sensei's works, and he does have a thing for mature men. Moreover, she even stated that Maizuru was supposed to be around his late 30's, but she had to make him 32 because it's her editor's wish.
or do these 32- or even 38- year old guys look like they are actually well into their 60s. And not in good health, even then.