Winter is Mr. Cat?!

Kit_Kaide October 6, 2020 12:10 pm

I think, Mr. Cat is reincarnated by his past life, which is the dog, Winter. I don't know the main reason why he cannot tell Seungwoo but I think, Joonwo killed the dog because Seungwoo divert his full attention to his bwloved dog. I know it sounds weird but I think, Joonwo has some kind of illness or whatsoever. Lack of attention, maybe?

I just creeped out when Seungwoo interacts with Joonwo

    TGL34 October 6, 2020 12:32 pm

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing (also the dislike button, I didn't meant to disliked it. It was meant to be a thumbs up but I accidentally clicked itdflelskw)

    #15 October 6, 2020 2:00 pm

    Is what you mean is, winter reincarnate as a cat?

    Kit_Kaide October 6, 2020 4:08 pm
    Yeah I was thinking the same thing (also the dislike button, I didn't meant to disliked it. It was meant to be a thumbs up but I accidentally clicked itdflelskw) TGL34

    It's okay. I do same mistakes on the other comment haha

    Kit_Kaide October 6, 2020 4:13 pm
    Is what you mean is, winter reincarnate as a cat? #15

    Yes. As I understand the chapter 1 of this story. The creator give life to Mr. Cat and as you can see, the creator surrounded with cats and dogs.

    Rae_chan~ October 12, 2020 6:10 pm

    Ooh, you make some point, oorrr this is only my theory, since they where w/ the cat god they might've always watched him, then that might be how mr. cat know his past about the creepy dude