Doesnt mean ur life is awful if i did tht id probably be dragged out of school and be homeschooled ita just tht families are different whts arong with scolding a kid i gef scolded and obviously my parents still love me....tho i suppose he is an orphan and his parents might not actually give a damn about him but they dont seem to show him it tht much....when i do somethong bad even if its small my parents call me satans child and say they wish they never gabe birth to me...ppl say things at the spur of the moment when their mad......point being i dont feel bad for him at all being scolded for something doesnt mean u have an awful life.....him being an orphan is sad but just becaise u have a sad story doesnt give u the right to give someone else a sad story
What do authors do that!! Introduce a bad character, make us dislike them and then bam! Give them a past story which just makes you feel bad for them!