ok but

Toma October 5, 2020 11:31 am

how did he not manage to get even 160 credits? universities in korea usually take 4 years, so that's 20 credits per semester. where i am from you need 180 for a bachelor degree which takes 3 years, so 30 per semester. and i had 209 by the time i could graduate. it's totally doable if you take a few non-compulsory classes per semester right from the beginning, and by the time you have to graduate, you even have free choice over which ones you want to be counted for your degree, so you can take the ones where your grades were better. it's all about foresight and planning, and he had nome of those, he was just enjoying himself and didn't even think ahead (like what would happen if he failed the course) or use common sense (that he can't pass a course he never shows up for). his frustration is understandable and legit, but it should be directed towards himself, not someone who has nothing to do with his incompetence and lack of work ethic
