Exactly ... People are saying that Yuu is going mad .. I dont think so, he looked super normal when he went to train with his so other family, he knew what he was doing and his expressions were normal. The good mood and the drinking thing too got me so frustrated. the manga went to the point where I wish for Mikaela to die for real like not a vampire and not a demon or even an angel. He was just a sweet kid who wished to live happily now he is more or less a ghost. No one deserved Mika. at least give him peace.

its just too much... the drinking part was too much.. the way they laughed and joked and played around was too much.. its not like I wanted them to get depressed or anything however it was so hard to watch them act like Mikaela never mattered. they should have at least acted normal like I dunno planning for war or sleeping or talking or doin whatever however they seemed too happy for comfort.

The girls thought the alcohol was "soda" so they were happy because that drink is probably scarse in their world so that's an accident and idk about the other kid (I forgot his name) and why he chose that too, maybe their was nothing else he could drink or just a sad boi wanting a distraction. but yeah I like this manga because the characters are all so cute & fun it's kinda like comedic relief being how broken their world is and everyone didn't expect that, I'm glad the manga isn't predictable that's what makes it good and at the end of the day they are teenagers they have so much stress already but thats what makes them strong I'm sure everyone is worrying on the inside, everyone does and all they can do is think about Mika because that's their biggest challenge rn. so I think everyone should calm down it's hard already I'm just glad they haven't given up yet because I probably would tbh, seeing how much shit they've been through:/ I hope this makes sense!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

well Im a teenager and I drink ... Alcohol doesnt give happiness and joy it just reflects the emotions inside so if ur actually troubled and strong enough to hide it the alcohol wont help u doing that , it will do the opposite.
I agree on the charecters being young and cute and tbh I used to like every single one of them but look what the manga did to them ? I mean can we compare the first time they ever saw mika and they saved his life to this chap ? or can we compare how they were dead worried abt yuu all the time to this chapter where they didnt even ask him how he was doing or anything ? and can we compare the Yuu we all know that went freakn Berserk hella times for Guren and his friends to what we are seeing here ? It was so not cool I dunno what the Author is thinking ? its like he made it on purpose .. Last chap it was Mikaela feeling happy just cause he was stuck in a dream next to Yuu.. in this chap we see him as a demon looking super inhuman and wondering and its a heart breaker then the manga gives us some pervy yuri stuff and drinking and whatever. It was super random and not a cool moment for a reader who just finished reading how heart breaking Mika's situation was. I dunno if the author wanted me to hate Yuu's friends like she made me hate Guren anyway its working.
I'm going to pretend the last chapter didn't happen.
MIKA died, LIKE DIED, and YU doesn't look like he gives any shits, neither does anyone else. I mean, both the girls got drunk wtf.