Wait a minute, so she was brainwashed to think the other dude was her master? Um i need a ...

Oof_idek_anymore October 4, 2020 11:39 pm

Wait a minute, so she was brainwashed to think the other dude was her master?
Um i need a hot minute to process wtf happened to yurian

    Rebeca October 5, 2020 7:30 am

    Not brain washed. She most likely forgot a lot of things when she tried to turn back time with magic, and only remembered Charlottes apparance but not too detailed, and then she came accross this man and when he realized who she was he pretended to be her master to take advantage of her. Her using time reserving magic is a high possibility because the forest was damadged heavily and it was described that she protected the forest and the forest her. So to prevent the damadge to her the forest took the most of it instead. (=・ω・=)