✨Suujin October 4, 2020 6:54 pm

It is a simple joy for me to be able to help people with the mangas and recommendations they are looking for but I never really expected to reach 1000 followers. Thank you to the people who sent me heartwarming messages, followed me, and recommended my lists. I am truly, truly overwhelmed and grateful!!

So as a thank you, I have made more lists for you to enjoy HAHA these are the lists I've made in the past week in preparation for this little surprise hehe. And hmm the themes are based on the recurring demand on the comments section. (Also, if you have a suggestion for a list, I'll gladly take the request!!). Btw, some lists are unfinished but Im REAAALLY just excited to share these to you all. I hope you like them. Enjoy~ (人 ,,•ᴗ•,,)

Love you all and take care of your health everyone!!
*throws heart confetti*
