
A necromancer came upon Baden's corpse and raise him. Baden tried to struggle at first, fighting to get back his freedom. After years of servitude he finally took control and killed his master but he only had a few moments of sense of freedom before the same spell plunged him back to the same hell, the necromancer came back as a lich and took control of his body once again. So yeah, we probably wont get a happy ending from thane and baden.
This manga DEFINITELY cannot be complete. :( Talk about a giant cliffhanger. It's not even a story, really. I have questions that need to be answered: How the heck did Badeng become part of the undead? And WHO raised him from the dead? Does he ever remember Seen again? Or does he kill him instead? What's supposed to happen next? Will there ever be a happy ending? Come on now. We need more to understand the story better. 4 pages isn't even CLOSE to being enough. :(