yeah but that’s like saying your okay with what he is doing, so does that mean your also okay with what sangwoo did because to me it looks like we are not seeing the same thing..yes it may be fictional characters but the author is showing the types of people out there and that someone could genuinely be like that which is not okay

I personally love messed up characters and sad stories with no happy endings, and (in fiction) I am okay with what he's doing. I loved killing stalking and obey me's endings(though I admit the story wasn't fleshed out like I wanted) because neither of them ended happy. I was genuinely hoping that Sian would stay a broken confused doll that thought she couldn't get away from Yul and would stay with him forever despite not loving him at all. That's my kind of story and that's why I started reading, but now sadly she's with the other guy so I'm only still here to know how it ends. And on the topic of "real life people like him" you're talking to one rn! Though I've never acted on my insanity and am getting help which is working, I'm still mentally ill. Have a nice one
Y'all yul stans are fucking crazy for standing him. I'm an atheist but, hell, I'll pray just for y'all.