Originally there were 2 people working on the webtoon (seen on title pages of ch 1-10) the...

JayJayTak October 4, 2020 1:27 am

Originally there were 2 people working on the webtoon (seen on title pages of ch 1-10) then only 1 person after that.
Whether or not it's the same artist (Lee Oh vs. io), I will surmise that some cuts were made to accommodate the artist. Which ultimately means that her mouth details ended up on the chopping block.

You are now looking at Ms Potato Head with the "Oh" mouth.

    Ndanuh October 5, 2020 5:51 pm

    i have made the same observation, i could not stop staring at her mouth and think something is wrong. the visuals really did not match at all, there was a disconnect between her mouth and face. for me it ruined the art