It's not the plot the problem, it's how the author decided to go through it. It's how they turned Alek into an obsessed character who can't give up and step on Hen's feelings towards Ivan. That's all. Everyone is free to comment whatever they want and none, so neither you, has the the right to tell someone to shut up. Mind your own words, dear.

if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all. three year old logic. disrespecting the author’s decision to run the story the way they wanted it to go is no reason to be sarcastic and snarky in the comment section.i respect people’s opinions , but the way this person was blatantly disrespectful is the problem.this comic has so much work out into it and it’s a shame that people think it’s ok to be rude just because their otp isn’t sunshine and rainbows.

So you want to tell me that you have never be disappointed in how the plot or a character development evolved and didn't feel the urge to share your thoughts? Beside, despise the choice of the author, Alek isn't exactly behaving nice and respectful towards Hen's feelings so yeah, a person is free to think that the development isn't really good with the character.
If Hen would have choosen Alek instead of Ivan... Despise that I don't like it very much, I would have agreed with you. This is the author choice and, liking it or not, we have to respect it. But authors aren't gods. They can be wrong sometimes. And honestly I liked Alek when he tried honestly to compete with Ivan. But now that he got it that Hen only desire Ivan he's trying to force him sneakily. This is a behavior that some people would consider 'trash' so yeah, being a simple opinion about a character's development, I think you shouldn't deny someone to express it.

once again, there are better ways to express your feelings than disrespecting the author with sarcasm and calling the comic trash. i get that they feel that way about where the plot is going, but the immaturity in their comment is truly something to be ashamed of. like i said, it costs zero dollars to leave a respectful comment that doesn’t include calling someone’s comic that they’ve been working on for months trash. especially when you’re reading it off an illegal site that doesn’t even support the author. i hope that the person who wrote that comment learns to be respectful and less spoiled and i hope that you stop condoning that behavior.

There is nothing to condone because the person who commented didn't nothing wrong. They called this work 'wholesome' before of this chapter that probably just disgusted. If you're disgusted by something like a threesome when two of the men are already a couple what else way there is to express your thought? The author simply found an excuse so that the 3p happened.
Of course some of people surely liked or loved it and I can understand it. Everyone should like what they love. But you can't expect other people to like it as well.

Plus, just because you're reading it from this site it means you have to shut up on your opinion even if a story or a character you loved turned twisted and the author ruins it? (from some people's pov this is what happened) It's not like this person went to the Twitter pagr of the author and insulted them or their work. The comment was released on the same site that offers the service.
The truth is, that you probably like the development of the story. And it's perfectly fine. It's your taste and you're rightful to express it.
Look, there are a lot of manwhas and mangas where I like the story and characters that other people don't like. Sometimes I really read a lot of bad comments about a story that personally I like or characters that I cherish particularly. When that happen, I simply reply my pov and why I don't support their thought. But NOTHING can justify to tell someone to 'shut their mouth' when they're only expressing their opinion about a work that previously they still loved.

The use of words that someone choose is up to the person. If I write 'I'm disgusted', it's because I'm disgusted. The word 'disgust' is bad but it's the only word I can use to describe disgust. Not 'dislike' or 'hate' but precisely disgust. It's up to the person to describe how they feel. But since we can't enter people's minds to understand how they feel, we can only argue about our different opinions but we can't expect to tell others how to talk or to write. Especially because of what happened in the chapter.

yeah but you’re still talking about the PLOT. this person insulted the author and their comic as a whole after something that happened in a fictional plot. they were disrespectful and sarcastic, specifically targeting the author in their comment. thats simply not cool. and you saying that they have the right to say whatever they want in the comment section doesn’t make it okay. that’s like me having the right to call someone ugly but choosing not to do it because i know it’s wrong and disrespectful.

The person was sarcastic about the author being able to turn a beautiful story into a not good one in just one single chapter but didn't insulted them. And sarcasm isn't a crime nor an insult. They insulted how the plot turned and that's acceptable. It's a critique, totally different from your example.
Because calling someone ugly is an insult. When a work is exposed to the public, you must be ready to take the thought of people, good or bad, liking or not.
And, I would agree with you if this insult (even about the plot) was done one the authors' social networks, because in this way you purposely want to hurt the author. But a critique on a site where the work is shared like this, to be honest I don't see the necessity to be so fiscal.

sarcasm and calling someone’s webcomic trash is most definitely an insult. they chose those words, typed it in a sarcastic and snarky way, making it insulting. and no, they called out the author and their sort as a whole, not the plot. if that’s not what they meant, then there were so many different ways to word their comment other than “trash”

Look, that's probably how you perceive it, but it's not how it looks to anyone. When I read it, the insult wasn't directed to the author but only to how the author developed the plot. And are we really debating about how someone has to comment what they mean? This is a site where magas and manwhas are shared and when people can express their thoughts and opinions through comments.
Anyway, whatever it is, I will finish it here. We simply have two different opinions. I'll only tell you this: whatever people comments, if they don't insult other people (and this is not the case because it wasn't the author who was insulted but only her choice of story's development) they're free to say whatever they want. Especially in this kind of site. It's not like the author will come and read the comments here, so... Just chill out and don't be so fiscal. Ok?
Despite having different opinions, I enjoyed your point of view. I hope you too.
Bye bye.
This Author is amazing honestly, turning something so wholesome into trash in one single chapter . Thanks really ..